Friday, March 4, 2022

3 Signs Your Relationship is Doomed!

Greetings beautiful people. Are you alright?

There are so many elements and stages that play into being in a relationship.  First, you meet the representative, then you meet the co-star, and then you might get to meet the real person somewhere down the line.  Once you see who they really are, instead of just outright leaving the relationship, some relationships experience what I call a slow death.  You both know it's over, but now you're just going through the motions for a lot of different reasons, but one of the main reasons is, there is too much invested and you may feel as if you're stuck, but are you really? Even the most comfortable of places, breeds contentment.   But just in case you are not sure where your relationship is headed, maybe these signs will help you figure it all out.

1. NO COMMUNICATION-You used to greet each other with a kiss.  You used to buy her gifts.  You used to give it and get it anytime or anyplace, but now you just see each other in passing, come together for appearances and bills.  Communication is always brief, but no real effort or emotion. There is no need to discuss anything other than the things that you have in common, like the mortgage, these bills, investments, and oh, those children over there.  Other than that, we live separate lives.  What used to be is no longer, but obligations have bound us so we play the happy game.  Smile for the camera, we are on again.
The communication has gone so far left, you are now using sign language.  You do not care if they heard you or not, you ain't repeating nothing you said and that's that. 

2. NO LOVE-Remember how everything you used to do was just genius and you would support all their crazy dreams and ideas?  You would agree with almost everything they said because it just sound so good at the time. But now you can't stand to hear anything that is coming out of their mouth.  Every time there is something that needs to be discussed it ends up in an argument.  You cannot see eye to eye at all or come to any kind of agreement, because now they always want to be right.  You are not in love anymore, and this is just another relationship you cannot wait to end if you could. No argument is too petty.
When you have found new hobbies, friends, and outside interest that does not include your significant other, you are definitely on your way to establishing a life without them. 


3. NO SEX-The sex that used to make you crawl with anticipation, make your legs shake just to think about it.   The sex that had you thinking all day about what you are going to do all night has turned into thoughts of, "I hope he doesn't think he gettin' some tonight" or "I hope she is asleep by the time I get home."  It is no longer a treat to slip it in at the break of dawn, now you pretend to be in a full coma, snoring, with slob coming out your mouth and that is not turning anyone on. What used to be spontaneous interactions, filled with passionate lovemaking and all kinds of positions is now gone, part of a non-existent past.  They say once the sex is gone, it is a matter of time before the whole relationship disintegrates. You don't mind too much because you have not slept in the same bed in years and if it comes down to it, you have no problem getting your needs met by any means necessary.

All relationships often have ups and downs, but you decide if it is worth another try or if the fire has completely gone out.  There are always ways to bring back that spark if you really want to.  There are ways to make him put that phone down.   But please do not ignore the signs that your relationship is simply over. There is nothing worse than waking up to someone who you no longer love or like.  It will only prolong your being in love with someone who just adores you and has no problem fulfilling all of your needs. 

Peace & Love


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