Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Curse Words

I thought I would have a little fun and ask how the fuck are you today?
That was an example of using an expletive in a positive manner.  Although most of us do not use expletives in our daily language, using profanity sometimes can be used to release tension, make a point, or to further express how we feel.  Before I go into all of the most used curse words, I want to define what a curse word is.  Curse words are words that can be used when throwing a curse or evil spell and with the right intention, it can affect the person you are cursing on an emotional level, similar to a real curse.  I believe curses only work on people in low emotional states.  For example,  it is easier to curse a person with low self-esteem than it is for a person who loves themselves.  I am sure some of you spellcasters are finding that out.  

The first curse word was Fuck and it was used in the year 1310 by a Monk who wrote it on a manuscript.  The word fuck has a Germanic origin and the original meaning meant "to strike" but as time went on the usage changed.  If you are from the east coast, "Get the fuck outta here" may mean whatever story you are telling, it is so unbelievable you need to leave with that bullshit.  Or it could literally mean get the fuck out of here.  The word fuck is often the obscene word that is used to refer to sexual manners.  You may hear things like, "Can we fuck?"  "Do you want to fuck?" or "I just got fucked".  And depending on which end of the meaning you are on that could be the worse fuck of all.   If someone is talking too much, you may hear someone say "Shut the fuck up", or  "What the fuck are you talking about?  If a person wants to inform you about some shit you may not know about they may say something like,  "I don't fuck with you."   Or if it's a lost cause, fuck it!

The most used curse word is Shit.  Yes, I often use it when I am in a bind,  running out of time, or just referring to a piece of shit.  Although the word literally means to defecate or to have diarrhea, the urban usage of the word shit is often used positively.  You may hear it being used to refer to how you feel about yourself or someone else, " I am the shit" or "they are the shit".  Or if you want to express how you feel about a song that you vibe with, you'll say something like "that's my shit" or "that's the shit.".  When you put someone in their place or embarrass someone with your superior skills, you may have just "Shitted on them."

Last but not least, the most mighty and powerful curse word, Bitch!   Of course, we all know that this word usually is referring to the female gender and can be defined as a female dog.  The word bitch began to be used in the late 1300's and early 1400s.  In the 1930's, it was used in the male homosexual community, as a playful reference to a dog.  Today, it is also used in songs and in regular everyday language. You will often find when a woman rejects a man's offer or does not find him appealing, the first thing he may call her is a bitch.  The term has also been used to refer to the emotional state of a woman.  If she is bossy and in control, then she is a bitch. If she wines and complains, then she is bitchy, you get my point.    In conversation, you may use it as a term of surprise, Biiitch! Or as a warning, "Bitch, if you don't get out my face."  In the early 1960's the term "Bitchin'" would refer to something that is awesome, the best or is unusually unique.  If you are on your shit and you don't give a fuck, then someone may refer to you as  "That Bitch".  All you real Bitches stand up!  You can use the word as empowerment or embarrassment, it is up to you to define what it means to you.

The countries that curse the most are Russia and France, they will curse you out because they don't give a fuck about your feelings. The UK, Australia, and the US are tied in their usage of curse words, and in China, they barely use curse words at all.  If you want to go where they curse the most in America, you can travel to  Ohio,  Maryland, New Jersey, Louisiana, and California. I guess you also know where all the intelligent people are.  If you want to go where it is very nice and polite, you can travel to Washington, Maine, Arizona, and Texas, but who gives a fuck, right?  The curse words that are honorable mentions are motherfucker, got damn, son-of-a-bitch and asshole.

Thank you for joining me today, I am going to go fuck around.  Tune in on Friday, maybe I'll have a freaky tale or something like that.   Be safe, stay loved up, and get out there and make it a great day, it is all yours.



Monday, June 27, 2022

Your Voice


To get your week started on a good foot, today's positive affirmation from the Make Today Magical Positive Affirmation Card Set is "I have a voice that matters". There is nothing more powerful than what you say and how you say it.  If you can articulate what you feel and believe in, then you are already ahead of the game.  And if you can habla ortro idioma, that's even better.

Your voice and words are a frequency and have the potential to put people in a trance.  Not only does the voice enter and activate several areas of the brain, but the vibration itself can be healing.  When you are saying affirmations over and over, it is creating a vibration.  That vibration is sent out to the universe and the universe always responds.  

Have you ever heard the term, "words are mightier than the sword?  Words can cut because of the vibration that each word sends.  Have you ever heard the term "the truth hurts"?  The truth hurts because the vibration of the words of truth cuts through all illusions of what you thought you believed and what you thought was true and knowing the truth can sometimes hurt.   You should always watch your words.  Manifestations are happening faster and faster, so be careful what you say about people and what you say about yourself because you are always being heard, and that internal guide is always listening.   Especially, if you are speaking about people in an unjustifiable manner.   The untrue words you may spew about someone else will become your truth. So be careful, you don't want to cause damage to your own life while trying to cause damage to someone else's.  

Use your voice to be the catalyst for change.  Everything is happening all at once, confusion, lies, debauchery, crime, and love.  So choose the world you want to be in.  Every battle is not yours to fight, so make sure you are not using your voice for empty matters. 

If I say, "I love you", can you feel it?  If I tell you, "You are the best I've ever had, do you believe me?  We all like to hear words that sound good, from music to speaking to singing voices.  That is the power of a frequency that we all have the power to tap into and use to our advantage.  We can change our voice to fit our mood or to change someone else's.  I learned on YouTube that Michael Jackson really had a deep voice, but he talked in that falsetto tone all the time to train his voice to be that way.  It opened the gateway for him to become the greatest entertainer in the world.  There isn't a song that Michael sang that did not move you in some kind of way. Would you like me better if I sound like this, or would you like it if I sound like this?  

I used to get laryngitis every year for about five or six years in a row,  and it would always happen in the month of  October.  For those of you who do not know what laryngitis is, it is an inflammation of the voice box.  It can happen when you get a cold, overuse your voice or some kind of irritation.  I would lose my voice for about a week, then it would recover.  Since I started using ginger, honey, and lemons,  I have not had laryngitis for a very long time.  I understand the power of the voice and it can be used in various ways, so I always take care of it.

No matter who you are, you have a voice and that voice is yours to use.  Use it for change and to empower yourself.  There is no need to go about talking jibberish, leave that to the politicians and the people who are professional delusionary speakers.  I often find it hard to indulge in small talk, because it doesn't require much thinking.  Yes, it is a skill to draw people in to listen, and before you know it you've spent half an hour or more listening to something that you do not understand.  Your energy has fueled an unbelievable truth.  You will take that unbelievable truth and spread it.  Remember, people will say things that are not the truth and it doesn't have to be, it just has to be believable, and once you believe it you make it true, whether it's really true or not.

Your voice is your voice.  Speak the life you want into existence.  And if your mama didn't tell you, I will.  If you don't have anything nice to say, be quiet, shut up, go to your room. 

That's all I have for today, tune in on Wednesday, my favorite day of the week to see what I discuss because right now I have no idea.  I am not prepared and I am winging it this week just to see what flies.  Tune in, I really appreciate all of you who listen to my podcast.  Get out there and make it a great day, it is all yours.


Friday, June 24, 2022

Bad Vibes

You got bad vibes baby and I can’t be bothered
I ride high and with very low tolerance
I wake up on the right side of life
I am in his dreams, it's where we spend our nights

You got bad vibes baby and I can't be bothered
Told me you were competing and I almost hollered
Stuck in your own pain passing it on to the next name
You like playing those kid games, baby, are you finally insane?

I’ve been through a lot. Experienced a lot and would do it all again to become the person I am today. Life didn’t break me, what makes you think you can?   There are people who can be so bent on making you miserable, trying to either feed off your sweetness or try to make you uncomfortable. I laugh at adversity and I’ve never been a coward.  There are people who are unhappy with their lives and decisions because now the consequences are showing up, and the error of their ways is making an appearance. You can not hide from yourself, no matter how much you make YOU someone else’s problem. Your reality is your creation, so if you’re unhappy, change those old clothes and put on some new ones. 

You got bad vibes baby, but I see right through you
Send me bad vibes and it will get returned back to you
Tried to intercept my gifts and feel my energy
Tried to put on my clothes but there was no synergy

Now your  bad memory wants a taste
Forgot about the power of this golden race
You will go no further than this earth
So take those bad vibes with you, or forever be cursed

Everyone knows that person when you see them coming, you go the other way.  They talk so much and know everyone's business, but their own. Do you know anyone like that?  Are you that person?    Everyone knows that person who tries to follow the clout.  Riding on someone else's coattail, just makes you look like a cheerleader. You can smell the cologne before you see him.   He got more games than the game itself.  Everything about you is a dis Ease.  Finding comfort in the unknown will be your new home and you will be forced to eventually be alone. You will lose if you cannot adjust to the upcoming reality on earth.  Some of you have already failed the first test.  The wheels are turning and nothing will be the same.  Instead of hate, spread love to ease your pain.    

You got bad vibes baby, and I can't be bothered.


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Energy Vampires

Everyone knows that energy vampires are people who are unable to sustain their own energy of life force so they feed off other people who are able to vibrate at a higher energetic level.  We all know that the most popular form of energy that these vampires come in is narcissism.  Social media is over-saturated with talking about the people that carry this energy.  The more you talk about it the more they manifest. So today I am changing the subject and discussing why we invite them into our lives.  We often discuss what to look for and how to get out of a relationship with a narcissist, but I want to discuss how you attract this energy in the first place. 

We all want to be loved,  needed, and taken care of at some point. Even if we are seeing and interacting with someone in the most shallow of situations, human contact is still what keeps the relationship going, no matter how toxic it is.  An energy vampire solicits that emotional need. We learn the most about ourselves through the relationships we have with other people.  We become a different version of ourselves with each person we interact with.   So why has the narcissist chosen you? Or better yet, why did you allow good sex and empty promises cloud your judgment? For me, it was the empty promises followed up by some mind-blowing sex.  It was so good that I forgot about all the promises.  It took me a while to break away from this particular person because I was dickmatized.  I thought I loved him, but I realized this man had no emotional depth, and the only thing I was feeling deeply was that extension he carried so well.  We only had a few moments of happiness and because I was so caught up in looking forward to those moments, I didn't even realize that that was all it was and it was not about getting any better than this. Then that's when you have to make a decision.  You see it for what it is, now what?  You have to start thinking about what you really deserve and when those wheels start turning and that confidence starts to build up and you start to look in the mirror and start falling in love with yourself, then you realize that vampire energy has to go.  That particular energy is no longer fitting the version of yourself that you are becoming.  So Au revoir! Adios! Arrivederci! and Bye-bye! Leave them and it all behind.

Those empty unfulfilling relationships will get easier to recognize and let go.  You will no longer feel the need to argue with a fool because it is all above you now.  You no longer need to justify or validate your decisions, because you trust your intuition.  Those are some of the things you may learn, and since some of you are slow learners, take as long as you need to learn those lessons because they will keep coming.  The universe does not have a shortage of lessons, so learn them because the universe also does not have a shortage of abundance.  

Maybe you need to learn how to love yourself, so life will break your heart a few times before you know your worth. Maybe you need to learn how to put up boundaries, so life will allow you to be used until you protect yourself.   If you are doing, being, or existing anywhere that you do not want to be, the universe will send some tests and situations to see if you really want to change or if you are just playing around with moments of sovereignty.  Will you settle for this?  Or will you settle for that? Are you willing to walk away and heal yourself and prepare yourself for what you truly deserve?  What are you really ready for? Because these energy vampires will test all of that.  

You can not complain about something and still have them in your life while trying to create a blessing with someone else.  It does not work like that.  You can not settle for a life you do not deserve and hate on those who waited and got everything that they deserve.  No, you can't get past true intentions and your thoughts.  So if you find yourself in the presence of those that suck your energy and leave you feeling drained and hopeless, think about the lesson you need to learn and why you continue to allow it to happen.  What part of you needs to heal?  There is something greater waiting for you but first, you will need to prepare yourself.   You know what you need to do, so trust yourself and get it done.

That's all I have for today, stay tuned for Friday's Question of the day.  If you have any relationship questions or any subjects you would like me to discuss, please submit them to  Get out there and make it a great day, it is all yours.



Monday, June 20, 2022

You Are Valuable

Before I get started just a couple of announcements, On Fridays, I will be answering the Question of the Day.  If you would like for me to answer any of your relationship questions, please send them to

You can help me with my channels by sharing, subscribing, and donating.  You can find my podcast on most platforms.  My books are available on and kindle.  If you want an autographed copy of any of my books, you can order them from my blog at  If you have any questions or topics you would like me to discuss leave them in the comments on my blog or send me an email. Let me know how I can be of service, while we elevate.

To get your week started, I want to share a positive affirmation card I pulled from the Make Today Magical Positive Affirmation Card Set. I actually received this as a gift for my birthday, or was it for Christmas?  It's a 24-card set and each card has a positive affirmation.  On the back of each card, you can fill in the blank of something that you are proud of or something that you believe you are capable of.  I believe if you write it down then it is true. I often refer to these cards when I am unsure, I need a pick me up, or when just want to change my mood and increase my belief system.  

Today's card says  "You Are Valuable". Yes, you are. No matter where you are, no matter who you are, you are valuable.  This message is for those who do not feel like their life has no longer any meaning. You feel as if you can not go on or that you are worthless.  The fact that you wake up every day gives you another chance to give it meaning.  Your mind has to be stronger than your circumstances.  You have to train your mind to be and do what you want it to do. Even when you come across obstacles, those are only opportunities to increase and expand.   Our bodies are one big electromagnetic field. We feed our brains all kinds of things and thoughts and beliefs throughout the day, attracting what's necessary.  Although it's not always what we want, it is always for our highest good. The one thing that we are constantly streaming is how we feel about ourselves.  How we feel about ourselves plays a huge part in who and what we value. 

Let the belief in yourself be stronger than anyone's opinion.  Do not allow anyone to determine your value, only you can do that.  Take a moment to think about the things that people value.  They may value their home, car, their job, family, or money.  They may even value the time they spend or value who they spend it with.   Do you feel valued in your relationships?  Do you feel valued on your job? You are valuable enough to change and do better if you want to.   You are valuable enough to take responsibility for your actions.  You are valuable enough to stand and speak your truth.  You are valuable enough to be loved and accepted. You are valuable enough to be forgiven.  You are valuable enough to exceed expectations.  You are valuable enough for a second chance. 

We spend a lot of time in relationships hoping people see who we are, but do you know your value?  Do the people around you represent your value?   How valuable is your life?  Take the time to practice being ok with being ok with yourself.  Because, through all the stages and mistakes, you are still valuable.

That's all I have for today, tune on on Wednesday, hump day, my favorite day of the week for three ways to recognize an energy vampire.  They have a tendency to butter you up before they suck you dry.   Until then, get out there and make it a great day, it's all yours.💓


Friday, June 17, 2022

Question of The Day!

            Question of the Day:    Should I cheat?

I choose this question because people cheat all the time and be mad at the consequences. If you are in a committed relationship, you don't cheat and if you are single then you are open to exploring whomever you like.  It sounds simple but in today's relationship climate, it always gets a little complicated.  You want them, but you cheat, but you don't want them to have anyone else, so you keep cheating.  She keeps forgiving you because she doesn't want to be alone and she is also embarrassed because she knows you are cheating.  You would think that a responsible adult would be able to articulate what they want without having to deceive or lie, but they do not.  If you feel you want something else whether temporarily or long-term, you should probably think twice or three times because in the end the question you will ask yourself is, was it worth it?   

I often tell people to communicate and be open and honest about how they feel.  It may hurt, but it relieves a lot of unnecessary pressure to perform as if you want to be with someone when you really do not.  Eventually, you will get found out.  Then what?  You may be forgiven and you may stay together, but does that really address the real issues in your relationship? How many times should you forgive a person for cheating, if their behavior is not changing?  Cheating within a relationship changes the relationship forever and a woman never forgets anything that hurts and neither does a man.

Should you cheat?  Absolutely not.   I would not recommend cheating to anyone.  I take loyalty and commitment very seriously.  There is no middle ground with me, either we are this or we are that. There is no we are committed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays and we are single on the weekends, Nooo.  I am slow to commit, slow to get into relationships, but quick to dismiss that ass for being a fraud.  Instead of cheating, playing games, and creating more misery,  I would highly recommend finding out who you are and what you really want.  It is natural to desire and be attracted to someone other than the person you are with, but acting on those impulses is another thing altogether. 

Submit your relationship questions to:

Your donations/Gifts are appreciated! Thank you!💝💋


Thursday, June 16, 2022

Rats With No Cheese

There once were some finely dressed rats.  They had all the best of everything, except happiness. They appeared to be dignified, upstanding pillars in the community, but they were the beginning and ending of all problems.  When all the rats got together they could never agree on anything.  Their outdated plans and ill intentions were being blocked and they did not know why.  Their plans to destroy, confuse, and to take over in order to maintain their elusive power were now unfolding in ways they did not anticipate.  

There is this thing about rats they all think alike, so you can easily anticipate their demise, predict their moves, and are quite entertaining to watch.  They are the kings and queens of compliance and the builders of infallible buildings.  They are often too happy with what they thought they got away with to even notice the eyes that are on them.    So they happily continue on with their spies, lies, and manipulation hoping they will remain in their unearned positions. 

Then one day the rats wanted some new cheese and they thought they would use all the same tactics to get that cheese because it had worked so many times before.  And besides, who would suspect a rat to be a rat if he is dressed in these nicely tailored clothes.  They tried over and over again to get this cheese but were unable to taste it.  They watched and set traps for this cheese, but each anticipated victory would be met with disappointment and regret.  After a while, the rats' patience was wearing thin and desperation was starting to set in, and so many mistakes were getting made. They tried several things to lure this cheese and even though they were exhausted, the desire to eat this cheese was unbearable.

The rats began to grow tired of trying to get this cheese, and after several years of trying the rats had lost their power and the suits that covered them so diligently were beginning to fade.  They had grown hungry from trying to get this one cheese and was on the brink of starvation.  They didn't notice that the cheese they already had was moldy and smelled like a cesspool of unhappy thoughts, unfulfilled dreams, and fifth.  That old cheese was not appealing to anyone.   The rats were in complete confusion as to why they were not able to get this cheese. It was not until one rat realized while taking his last breath, that the only people that believe we are not rats are us, that cheese knew we were rats.


Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Who's Lovin' You?

Who's lovin' you when hot nights turn into cold mornings
When the lights are off, are lit by the day 
Your true nature arises from the memory of the night before

Who's lovin' you when there is no real solution, just problems? 
When today wasn't promised and tomorrow isn't either, but you wake up anyway
Next to me, it's not a dream, my skin you feel and I feel you too, but can we really be true?

Who's lovin' you when you have nothing to show?
A dream, a basket, and some natural hair growth
A bowl, A fork, and some water to drink
You have more magic than you think

Who's lovin' you when you are misunderstood?
When you don't want to see the light and you have fallen in love with the darkness
When you have fallen in love with the struggle when you can taste the deception and swallow the truth
Who's lovin' you?

Who's lovin' you when you can't sleep at night?
Do you stand up and fight? Or lay down and drown in the debauchery you pretend not to see
I am not impressed by your level of degrees, I need to know if you have the keys
To ride the wave and to change these stormy seas

Who's lovin' you when you have nothing?
Can you spare a dime or some change for the deranged?
Create the illusion and I'll do the same

Because I love you and I can only give you what you give me
Maybe we got it wrong the first time, but I will do it a thousand more times just to get it right in this lifetime

So I am asking, do you know who's loving you?  



Sunday, June 5, 2022

It's All Your's

It's another day, and It's All Yours!

"Thank you all for listening to my podcast.  Thank you for all the love.  I appreciate and feel all that you give me.  We can all move forward together."  LLW

Peace & Love


Friday, June 3, 2022

The Woman Narcissist


A person with a narcissistic personality disorder has many characteristics that help you to see who they are.  They are usually self-centered and have a disoriented self-perspective.  They tend to be the best of manipulators and have no empathy and the majority of them are men.  However, about 25% of women carry this trait, and because they are women, it may not be as obvious. 

Women and men who develop this kind of personality are usually dealing with some sort of unaddressed childhood trauma and have made the decision to not address that trauma and to project it instead.  They become master manipulators, and lifetime victims, and will try to control any scenario to make themselves look like the hero when they really are the problem.  They will compete where they do not compare, tear you down to build themselves up, and become even more delusional as they age.

Women with this disorder come in the form of overbearing mothers, sadistic girlfriends, or malicious wives.  They are covert in their attempt to control and will use their pain or sex as a way to gain trust.  They are very superficial.  Money makes them feel important.  If you have ten dollars and they have eleven, you are beneath them.  I have had a few experiences with narcissistic mothers and their sons.  That is a relationship that is more toxic than any one I have ever seen.  Their son becomes the only man that they can control and manipulate and any woman that interferes with that dynamic becomes the enemy.  They fill their son's head up with so much of what he is not, they then create a monster.  It was the narcissistic mother that created the "No one is good enough for my son" motto. No, your son is just a piece of shit you created.  Imagine being a man who hates his mother, but takes it out on the women in his life.  I was dating a guy and we made plans for me to come over and chill and watch Netflix. He told me that his mother was spending the night. She had the bedroom and he was on the couch and it was not a good night for me to come over.  If they do not like you, they will also help him cheat, introduce him to other women etc.  Anything to hurt you and make you argue with them or leave.  Their simple methods do not change.  If a man is not putting his mother in her place, flee the scene.   Run as fast as you can, it is a lost cause and battle.

 I also believe that women with this disorder secretly hate other women.  Especially if they can see you as a threat.   They are the "super" feminist or the "super" religious, or the "super" helpful friend that wants your place.  Whatever the case, if you are a beautiful woman, intelligent, confident, resilient, and have a little common sense,  they will try to figure out a way to make you less appealing.  Remember, they make all these desperate measures because of how they feel about themselves.   Their self-esteem needs to be resuscitated, but they are going about it the wrong way.  Instead, they feed off of your energy, good love, and good nature.  They need your attention.  Whether it is positive or negative they need something to feed off of like leeches.  If you want to see their true intentions create some boundaries.  If you want to see the extent they will go, ignore them and do not validate their behavior.  They are insecure and need healing and until they are able to face their own mirror, which they rarely do, they will forever live with the perpetual need for validation.

The good thing is, the earth is clearing itself of these unsavory energies, the manipulators, liars, thieves, and anyone who is unable to live in their truth, whatever that truth is, so continue to put up your boundaries. If it doesn't feel good or right, let it go. You do not need to explain anything to anyone. They know who they are, they just hope you don't.

Peace & Love

"People do what they do, based on who they are. Recognize who they are and believe it" LLW

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The Joy You Bring

I had to start June off with some poetry because I believe this month will be poetic.  If you do not do anything else, please take care of your heart.  Do not let this world or people make you bitter because they are.  Do not let them make you believe you are not supernatural because you are.  If you were anything else outside of magical, they would not be listening so intently and watching so closely.  They know. So, do not let them steal your joy.

I have not always made the best decisions, but I've learned to.  I may not have always had the best of anything, but nothing is beyond my reach. You know, you have to believe in yourself. You have to go beyond the box that they try to place you in.  The typical is no longer appealing and in order to get what's real, you have to be real yourself.  I had people sending me bad juju, spells, and all kinds of shit.  You know how they do, when they want to change the direction you are going, influence your decisions so that it benefits them.  It gets funny after a while because you're asking for something that you know that you do not deserve, the nerve.  You want to be like someone you're jealous of,  how does that work? The nerve.   You want to backtrack and change you're original thoughts and actions, well, it's too late.  The wheel has turned and you are on the other side, getting ready to receive all that you dished out. Can you handle it?

Take it all in stride, people.  Some people will never know who they are, especially if they're too focused on you. Some people will never get beyond what they have been told and that is their place.  Ignorance is bliss and it will always be.  I feel a little different today, my body is lit up with the anticipation of what's to come.  Do not let anybody interfere with what is rightfully yours.  Remain focused on the goal.  Make noise and change the narrative for whoever can read and feel the need for change. Do not seek understanding or validation from people who cannot look in their own mirror.  Who are you that I should know anyway?

Bring joy wherever you go, sing a song, and light up the room upon entrance.  Conjure up the fire within and let the wind guide the way.  There will be bumps, stops, and maybe some bruises but you get back up and do it all again until you get where and what you want.  You'll never get anywhere on the backs of another.  You will never get anywhere, being like everyone else.  This time period calls upon your ability to stand out and not blend in.  Are you blending in? 

I would like to address all my warriors who are standing ten toes down for themselves and those they love.  If you have a strong family of people standing with you, go all the way, leave everyone else behind, and don't look back.

Peace & Love


Hey Friend...

Hey, Friend, what took you so long?
Was it the water that divides? Then divide again and walkthrough
Was it the time it took, the time is now,  so come through

Because I love it when you do what you do, 
Sapiosexual, So my brains you'll have to get to

Hey Friend, what took you so long?
I've been playing with the idea of you and me
Out there flying high with no parachute
Landing in drylands, no water or truth

Hey Friend, where have you been?
I am out here fighting dragons and now I am one
Took the scenic route and it was not all fun
Came back again to win and now I can't lose
Now it's your turn, so make your move

Hey friend, what took you so long?
Last week you wanted to play
This week you have nothing to say
I know she wanted me to be her friend just so you could be happy again

Hey friend, Where have you been?
I took a trip to the sky, turned left and I was in Dubai
Soaking up the sun and sand because everywhere I go is homeland

Hey friend, don't take too much longer
We were bonded many lives ago, so now together we're stronger
We have all the keys, cause we made them
Now stick that key in and turn that lock, magic will be made and I'll be giving you all that I've got.

"This is the point where I allow you to do the right thing, but not tonight."  Denzel Washington-The Equalizer II


As some of you may know all of my social media accounts have been hacked. If you receive text or calls from my phone or email it not have be...