Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Curse Words

I thought I would have a little fun and ask how the fuck are you today?
That was an example of using an expletive in a positive manner.  Although most of us do not use expletives in our daily language, using profanity sometimes can be used to release tension, make a point, or to further express how we feel.  Before I go into all of the most used curse words, I want to define what a curse word is.  Curse words are words that can be used when throwing a curse or evil spell and with the right intention, it can affect the person you are cursing on an emotional level, similar to a real curse.  I believe curses only work on people in low emotional states.  For example,  it is easier to curse a person with low self-esteem than it is for a person who loves themselves.  I am sure some of you spellcasters are finding that out.  

The first curse word was Fuck and it was used in the year 1310 by a Monk who wrote it on a manuscript.  The word fuck has a Germanic origin and the original meaning meant "to strike" but as time went on the usage changed.  If you are from the east coast, "Get the fuck outta here" may mean whatever story you are telling, it is so unbelievable you need to leave with that bullshit.  Or it could literally mean get the fuck out of here.  The word fuck is often the obscene word that is used to refer to sexual manners.  You may hear things like, "Can we fuck?"  "Do you want to fuck?" or "I just got fucked".  And depending on which end of the meaning you are on that could be the worse fuck of all.   If someone is talking too much, you may hear someone say "Shut the fuck up", or  "What the fuck are you talking about?  If a person wants to inform you about some shit you may not know about they may say something like,  "I don't fuck with you."   Or if it's a lost cause, fuck it!

The most used curse word is Shit.  Yes, I often use it when I am in a bind,  running out of time, or just referring to a piece of shit.  Although the word literally means to defecate or to have diarrhea, the urban usage of the word shit is often used positively.  You may hear it being used to refer to how you feel about yourself or someone else, " I am the shit" or "they are the shit".  Or if you want to express how you feel about a song that you vibe with, you'll say something like "that's my shit" or "that's the shit.".  When you put someone in their place or embarrass someone with your superior skills, you may have just "Shitted on them."

Last but not least, the most mighty and powerful curse word, Bitch!   Of course, we all know that this word usually is referring to the female gender and can be defined as a female dog.  The word bitch began to be used in the late 1300's and early 1400s.  In the 1930's, it was used in the male homosexual community, as a playful reference to a dog.  Today, it is also used in songs and in regular everyday language. You will often find when a woman rejects a man's offer or does not find him appealing, the first thing he may call her is a bitch.  The term has also been used to refer to the emotional state of a woman.  If she is bossy and in control, then she is a bitch. If she wines and complains, then she is bitchy, you get my point.    In conversation, you may use it as a term of surprise, Biiitch! Or as a warning, "Bitch, if you don't get out my face."  In the early 1960's the term "Bitchin'" would refer to something that is awesome, the best or is unusually unique.  If you are on your shit and you don't give a fuck, then someone may refer to you as  "That Bitch".  All you real Bitches stand up!  You can use the word as empowerment or embarrassment, it is up to you to define what it means to you.

The countries that curse the most are Russia and France, they will curse you out because they don't give a fuck about your feelings. The UK, Australia, and the US are tied in their usage of curse words, and in China, they barely use curse words at all.  If you want to go where they curse the most in America, you can travel to  Ohio,  Maryland, New Jersey, Louisiana, and California. I guess you also know where all the intelligent people are.  If you want to go where it is very nice and polite, you can travel to Washington, Maine, Arizona, and Texas, but who gives a fuck, right?  The curse words that are honorable mentions are motherfucker, got damn, son-of-a-bitch and asshole.

Thank you for joining me today, I am going to go fuck around.  Tune in on Friday, maybe I'll have a freaky tale or something like that.   Be safe, stay loved up, and get out there and make it a great day, it is all yours.



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