Friday, June 3, 2022

The Woman Narcissist


A person with a narcissistic personality disorder has many characteristics that help you to see who they are.  They are usually self-centered and have a disoriented self-perspective.  They tend to be the best of manipulators and have no empathy and the majority of them are men.  However, about 25% of women carry this trait, and because they are women, it may not be as obvious. 

Women and men who develop this kind of personality are usually dealing with some sort of unaddressed childhood trauma and have made the decision to not address that trauma and to project it instead.  They become master manipulators, and lifetime victims, and will try to control any scenario to make themselves look like the hero when they really are the problem.  They will compete where they do not compare, tear you down to build themselves up, and become even more delusional as they age.

Women with this disorder come in the form of overbearing mothers, sadistic girlfriends, or malicious wives.  They are covert in their attempt to control and will use their pain or sex as a way to gain trust.  They are very superficial.  Money makes them feel important.  If you have ten dollars and they have eleven, you are beneath them.  I have had a few experiences with narcissistic mothers and their sons.  That is a relationship that is more toxic than any one I have ever seen.  Their son becomes the only man that they can control and manipulate and any woman that interferes with that dynamic becomes the enemy.  They fill their son's head up with so much of what he is not, they then create a monster.  It was the narcissistic mother that created the "No one is good enough for my son" motto. No, your son is just a piece of shit you created.  Imagine being a man who hates his mother, but takes it out on the women in his life.  I was dating a guy and we made plans for me to come over and chill and watch Netflix. He told me that his mother was spending the night. She had the bedroom and he was on the couch and it was not a good night for me to come over.  If they do not like you, they will also help him cheat, introduce him to other women etc.  Anything to hurt you and make you argue with them or leave.  Their simple methods do not change.  If a man is not putting his mother in her place, flee the scene.   Run as fast as you can, it is a lost cause and battle.

 I also believe that women with this disorder secretly hate other women.  Especially if they can see you as a threat.   They are the "super" feminist or the "super" religious, or the "super" helpful friend that wants your place.  Whatever the case, if you are a beautiful woman, intelligent, confident, resilient, and have a little common sense,  they will try to figure out a way to make you less appealing.  Remember, they make all these desperate measures because of how they feel about themselves.   Their self-esteem needs to be resuscitated, but they are going about it the wrong way.  Instead, they feed off of your energy, good love, and good nature.  They need your attention.  Whether it is positive or negative they need something to feed off of like leeches.  If you want to see their true intentions create some boundaries.  If you want to see the extent they will go, ignore them and do not validate their behavior.  They are insecure and need healing and until they are able to face their own mirror, which they rarely do, they will forever live with the perpetual need for validation.

The good thing is, the earth is clearing itself of these unsavory energies, the manipulators, liars, thieves, and anyone who is unable to live in their truth, whatever that truth is, so continue to put up your boundaries. If it doesn't feel good or right, let it go. You do not need to explain anything to anyone. They know who they are, they just hope you don't.

Peace & Love

"People do what they do, based on who they are. Recognize who they are and believe it" LLW

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