Friday, July 1, 2022

Let It Happen

SHAME Love, Lies & Lust by L.L. Walton


  Available on and Kindle Or Click the link to the right to order an autographed copy.                              → →→→→→→→

Today I am reintroducing SHAME Love, Lies & Lust  It is the first book that I wrote with characters.  Each chapter has a section of love stories, lie stores, and lust stories.   It is a short book filled with short stories about the trials, and tribulations of being in love, sacrifice, and the consequences of your decisions.   Thank you all for your love and support.💓

I often reflect on my relationships and the state of mind I was in when I made the decision to allow certain people in my life.  When I reflect it is also a time to acknowledge how much I've grown.  I am thankful for those experiences and how they have helped me grow.  This life is all about the journey.  Wherever you are, wherever you are trying to go, do not underestimate the power of appreciating where you are right now.  Change always comes on time and is constantly happening.  You can try to delay it, you can even ignore it, and it happens whether you are ready for it or not.  Wouldn't it just be easier to accept life as it comes, let go of all control and relax into it?  All you have to do is manage your own thoughts and stay focused on your desired outcome.  Mind the business that feeds you and distractions do not exist. Most of you should know, that writers are excellent liars, give me an audience and I’ll tell you what to feed them. 

I am often disappointed when I believe in the maturity of humanity. You would think that after all this progression, people would be more accepting of people who are opposed to what they are used to, but I always get the same result. However, I am still hopeful that society will get to the point where they do not feel so intimidated by things and people they do not understand.  You cannot pick apart another without picking apart yourself.  I am just a reflection, so you do not have to tell me what you don’t like about yourself, I already see it. 

Do not rush, just let it all happen.  Patience is the key. Time is going as fast or as slow as it is going to go.  You cannot change the happening, just like you cannot change the past.   Too many people let the past control their current state of mind and they are making comparisons to a future that does not exist. What's done is done.  It's either time to ask for forgiveness, or forgive yourself and move on.  There is no growth allowing the past to live in your head like old weeds.  Create the space for new things and for new beginnings to grow.  Be brave and walk alone when necessary.  You can never go wrong with true intentions.  True Intentions. You can never go wrong by moving forward in honesty, your truth  and love. 


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