Friday, July 22, 2022

Is Your Perception Reality?

Have you ever been mistaken for something else? Have you ever been mistaken for someone else?  Have you ever been underestimated or taken for granted?  Has anyone ever judged you based on someone else's opinion?  Has anyone ever given you your opinion?  Many years ago in a semi-heated debate, someone said to me that perception is reality and no matter how you perceive yourself there is someone else who will always perceive you differently.  So, the question becomes who's perception is the truth?  (Especially, when you don't know who you are.) Is it what they see or what you see?  Is there any truth in someone else's perception?

I had my first job working in human resources as an HR Assistant.  I was coming from the property management industry, so I was excited about the opportunity.  The HR director who was also my direct report, upon our first meeting, made a few assumptions about me.   Although she hired me for the job, she wasn't sure if I could do the job.  (Side note: Have you ever been hired to do a job and you do the job so well, that now you're a threat?  You guys know how the work playground goes, it can be worst than high school.) Anyway,  Not only did I do my job well, but we also ended up being pseudo friends for a long period of time.  And she even shared the fact that she misjudged me because of what I looked like. I am often misjudged and I never take it personally, because I am also a surprise.  Another person's perception of you is none of your business unless it is aligned with who you are at that period of time.  People often evolve and change into people that we do not know, so be clear about who you are addressing, when you are addressing people behind those closed doors.  I understand that there is no way you can sum someone up accurately without getting to know them personally and even then, there are parts you will never know.

People make assumptions all the time. Sometimes they are right and sometimes they are wrong.  When assessing someone base it on your own facts.  I do not care how much experience you think you may have, there is always someone you can not figure out.  What you think about someone does not automatically become their reality, that is your reality, those are your thoughts.  Just because you think someone is a loser, does not mean that they are.  Just because you think someone is not worthy of the life they lead, not only is it not your business, but you do not know what they have been through to get where they are.   Maybe you think highly of someone, who really is a piece of shit.  I did once.  When your perception gets replaced with another truth, will you accept it? 

 Too many are trying to play God in other people's lives based on perceptions and low vibrational intentions.  Why waste your time?   Spending too much time trying to create storylines that will never exist, is bad for your health when they appear in your life.  It's time to heal that part of you that you haven't accepted.  The part that requires validation at any cost.  The price is already too high, so if you do not make the decision to face your own demons and heal the parts of yourself that have you bound, you will eventually be permanently stuck, paying that price for life. 

Is your perception reality?  Do you have a firm grip on your existence?  Do you know who and what you are?  Or have you tucked your mirror in your back pocket?  Your perception may be limited by your lack of experience or your willingness to be blind to the truth.   Are you open enough to see what's right in front of you?  You are creating your reality every day, just make sure your perception is your reality.


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