Thursday, February 3, 2022


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Greetings, Beautiful people.  Are you Alright?

What are your triggers?  What are triggers? What are the things that set you off?  Who determines what your triggers are?  And how is it that someone you don't even know, can somehow trigger a reaction out of you?  These are the things I will be discussing throughout this episode.

Trigger.  A trigger is an emotional response of a reminder of past trauma, events, or circumstances in a vivid negative way.  It could produce uncomfortable emotional or psychiatric symptoms such as panic, anxiety, and negative self-talk.  I believe triggers are areas in our lives we need to address and find out why they are triggers; areas that we need to heal and be honest about. We always have the power to choose how we react to something or someone, but in the heat of the moment, after someone calls you a black ass cracker or a white ass nigger, I can understand how a reaction can be impulsive when there is no time for logic.
In that moment when someone is calling you out your name, are you a black ass cracker or a white ass nigger?  If triggers are a response from past trauma, what trauma have you experienced that has you feeling you need to react?  Are you reliving the trauma of the past, that you never lived in the present?  Are you reliving something that has never happened to you, but yet you feel it did?  If so, your trauma just may be more psychological.  You may be reliving events that exist, but only because you are responding to something that never happened.  Why are you so offended by something you are not.  Why would something you are not, stir up so much unnecessary emotion? 

I would like you to understand that you have a lot of control over what and who you respond to.  I mean if someone calls you a stank ass hoe, how do you know if they are talking about you? Being called a stank ass hoe may only trigger a reaction out of you, if you are indeed a stank ass hoe or if you can relate to being a stank ass hoe, right?  There is no reason for you to defend something or get offended by something you are not of course unless it resonates.

Think about what and who you respond to.  Be careful what you answer to especially around trigger-happy people. There is so much power in choosing where you give your attention. Let people talk their shit and say whatever they need to to make themselves feel better.  I know I trigger a lot of people.  It is not my intention to make you feel uncomfortable or to cause anyone anxiety, but I do want to wake you up to this reality.  I would like for you to stand up for yourself, and not let anyone try to control you with what they think they know.  I have people judge me all the time, yet they can't take their eyes off me.  They sum me up and try to figure me out, but they will not stop following me where ever I go.  When people are in the energy of hate, they don't even know why, and sometimes they don't need to know why.  Some people are so dead and hurt inside that anything negative about someone else is a treat.  Their lives are so desperate for some realness that when they see it, they react like it's a foreign particle stuck between their teeth.  What is this, ugghh,  it's the truth, I can't reach it.  

 When people are trying to trigger you they can be very rude.  How grand is your ignorance to hate and judge someone whom you've never even had a conversation with?  People who cannot even make eye contact with you, because in front of you they cannot hide what they really feel and who they really are.   They hate themselves so much, they have to find fault in you.  They have to find something to judge you by.   When people are in overdrive watching you and trying to find ways to trigger you, it defeats the purpose because you can always see them, and they can easily be disarmed with the truth. So why bother?  For every trigger, there's a trigger.  I can always tell when someone is trying it with me and it's a complete turn-off.  What a weakness to have to try and constantly bring people down to your level with insults and injury to their emotions because you have none.  What a weakness.  

When you are at war, you have to know your opponent.  A lot of people who go around trying to trigger you, bash you, and say malicious things to get you to react are at war. And that war is with themselves.  They refuse to look at themselves as the petty parasites they are.   They refuse to acknowledge the shit they hide, and the lies they spread have to be hidden within the hate and dismay of another person.  People who go out of their way to trigger you, only have one way of thinking and only will use those methods that are tried and true.  They do not think outside the box and definitely do not have foresight, so, they expect you to respond how anyone else would.  Use your power of discernment and choose your battles.  Most of them are at war with the old you because the new you has left them in the past, and that's all they can talk about. They do not know the you that you have become and the work you've done to get this far.  They are in a battle with the old you, a person you are miles away from, and they wonder why they keep losing. 

When you know who and what you are fighting against, just watch and wait and the battle will be fault and won.  There is no need to respond.  Triggers or no triggers, know who you are so that no one can tell you.  Know who you are, and require that they put some respect on your name.  And look, on some days, depending on who's calling my name, I may not even respond.  

Peace & Love


Photo credit: ShutterStock

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