Monday, February 21, 2022

Be Yourself or Not!

Greetings beautiful people.  Are you alright?

You would probably be completely surprised by the number of people who do not actually like being themselves. There are people who will try to take on the persona of other people just to avoid being themselves.  Of course, in the middle of the night, they are reminded of who they really are and are forced to look at themselves, but, it makes you want to ask, what is yourself?  Why do people say it all the time, be yourself!   Why do people run from it so vehemently? Who is it and who determines who you should be?  Why are there so many people searching for things that they already are?  How many of us have so many persona's, we don't know which one to show or which one to hide?  I mean that is by design right?  We want to be able to adapt to any environment and at least sound like we know what we are talking about.  Maybe according to people like  Anna Delvey, and the many others who deceive people on a grand scale, believe that the self does not have to be real, just believable.

We become so many people throughout our lives, some of us outgrow ourselves, like the people from our childhoods, and other parts of ourselves we take with us, throughout all of our lives.  But which one becomes the one that we call Self?  This is who I am most of the time and on other occasions, I may be called to be someone else.  Not that the someone else I become is not me, it's just someone that I am discovering or the someone that I am growing into or the someone I must become to survive this situation. We do not always stay the same and those who are unable to grow, fail to experience what it is to become what they really want to be.   You have to become free in the skin that you're in. You must be able to run in all directions, flawlessly.

Have you ever met someone and had someone else describe them and you have no idea who they are talking about because your experience with that person is so different?  It does not mean that the person is not the person that they are describing, you just have not had that experience with that person.  People either outgrow their old ways or they become more clever on how to conceal them.  A person who is unable to be themselves is usually ashamed of the past, or past actions.  They do not believe that they are worthy to be loved or liked, so they become someone else to hide who they really are.  I believe they are protecting the part of themselves that needs to be healed.  The part of themselves that they have not reconciled with.   How do you really get to know someone if from the start they are hiding who they are?    You have to trust that initial feeling and not wait around for confirmation.  It gets confusing when the signs you're getting are that this may be the one when they are just the same.  And what do we do when we do receive signs to indicate this may not be the best option?  We ask for another sign and another one.  And then we want this so bad, that we ignore that sign, this one and the third, only to later have what we suspected confirmed.  Our bodies always tell us when something is not right, please learn to listen and trust it. 

The self can be elusive just as it can be the most dynamic thing to find.  The one thing that you should always remember is that there is no one like you.  You are a very uniquely made human being and that should be celebrated.   You do not have to be anything grand to be important.  You do not have to be on a stage to be heard, just start speaking up for what you believe in. Put your best self forward.   If we did more of what made us happy and feel good and less of what people think that should be, life could be a little sweeter; and for some of us, it already is.

Peace & Love


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