Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Curse Words
Monday, June 27, 2022
Your Voice
To get your week started on a good foot, today's positive affirmation from the Make Today Magical Positive Affirmation Card Set is "I have a voice that matters". There is nothing more powerful than what you say and how you say it. If you can articulate what you feel and believe in, then you are already ahead of the game. And if you can habla ortro idioma, that's even better.
Your voice and words are a frequency and have the potential to put people in a trance. Not only does the voice enter and activate several areas of the brain, but the vibration itself can be healing. When you are saying affirmations over and over, it is creating a vibration. That vibration is sent out to the universe and the universe always responds.
Have you ever heard the term, "words are mightier than the sword? Words can cut because of the vibration that each word sends. Have you ever heard the term "the truth hurts"? The truth hurts because the vibration of the words of truth cuts through all illusions of what you thought you believed and what you thought was true and knowing the truth can sometimes hurt. You should always watch your words. Manifestations are happening faster and faster, so be careful what you say about people and what you say about yourself because you are always being heard, and that internal guide is always listening. Especially, if you are speaking about people in an unjustifiable manner. The untrue words you may spew about someone else will become your truth. So be careful, you don't want to cause damage to your own life while trying to cause damage to someone else's.
Use your voice to be the catalyst for change. Everything is happening all at once, confusion, lies, debauchery, crime, and love. So choose the world you want to be in. Every battle is not yours to fight, so make sure you are not using your voice for empty matters.
If I say, "I love you", can you feel it? If I tell you, "You are the best I've ever had, do you believe me? We all like to hear words that sound good, from music to speaking to singing voices. That is the power of a frequency that we all have the power to tap into and use to our advantage. We can change our voice to fit our mood or to change someone else's. I learned on YouTube that Michael Jackson really had a deep voice, but he talked in that falsetto tone all the time to train his voice to be that way. It opened the gateway for him to become the greatest entertainer in the world. There isn't a song that Michael sang that did not move you in some kind of way. Would you like me better if I sound like this, or would you like it if I sound like this?
I used to get laryngitis every year for about five or six years in a row, and it would always happen in the month of October. For those of you who do not know what laryngitis is, it is an inflammation of the voice box. It can happen when you get a cold, overuse your voice or some kind of irritation. I would lose my voice for about a week, then it would recover. Since I started using ginger, honey, and lemons, I have not had laryngitis for a very long time. I understand the power of the voice and it can be used in various ways, so I always take care of it.
No matter who you are, you have a voice and that voice is yours to use. Use it for change and to empower yourself. There is no need to go about talking jibberish, leave that to the politicians and the people who are professional delusionary speakers. I often find it hard to indulge in small talk, because it doesn't require much thinking. Yes, it is a skill to draw people in to listen, and before you know it you've spent half an hour or more listening to something that you do not understand. Your energy has fueled an unbelievable truth. You will take that unbelievable truth and spread it. Remember, people will say things that are not the truth and it doesn't have to be, it just has to be believable, and once you believe it you make it true, whether it's really true or not.
Your voice is your voice. Speak the life you want into existence. And if your mama didn't tell you, I will. If you don't have anything nice to say, be quiet, shut up, go to your room.
That's all I have for today, tune in on Wednesday, my favorite day of the week to see what I discuss because right now I have no idea. I am not prepared and I am winging it this week just to see what flies. Tune in, I really appreciate all of you who listen to my podcast. Get out there and make it a great day, it is all yours.
Friday, June 24, 2022
Bad Vibes
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Energy Vampires
Monday, June 20, 2022
You Are Valuable
Friday, June 17, 2022
Question of The Day!
Thursday, June 16, 2022
Rats With No Cheese
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Who's Lovin' You?
Sunday, June 5, 2022
It's All Your's
Friday, June 3, 2022
The Woman Narcissist
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
The Joy You Bring
Hey Friend...
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