Saturday, April 30, 2022

Your State of Mind


What is your state of mind?  Are you at peace or are you at war with yourself?   Do you know what makes you happy?  Is it one thing or is it many? Are there things on your mind that you just cannot figure out or things that you cannot control?  Do you pay more attention to other people's lives than you do your own life?  What themes do you allow to rule your thoughts?  Do you think of all the people you have helped?  Or do you think of all the people who have done you wrong?   As you go throughout the day, are you aware of your thoughts or are you on autopilot going through life in a systematic way processing thoughts that you do not even remember?

You are the gatekeeper of your thoughts. You determine what gets to be the spotlight of your mind. So what are you spending your time thinking about?   Is it the past and all the things you didn't do?  Or Is it the future, and all the things you will do?  How often do you spend your time just in the moment, enjoying what and where you are right now?  Maybe you think you need certain things in order to feel a certain type of way, well, you don't.   I have everything I need and so much more.  You can start experiencing the feeling of what you want right now. If you want to be a millionaire you must already feel like one.  If you want to change anything about your life, you must believe that you are worthy of whatever it is.  You have to walk with the belief that you can have anything you want and you can. Trust me.

I began this post by asking what is your state of mind?  Well, what is it?   What are you allowing to control your mood?  Who is making you smile?  I suggest if it doesn't make you feel good, tell it goodbye.  If it is not coming from a supportive, loving, kind, and stable mental state, let it go.   I have come to master the art of feeling good and it has absolutely nothing to do with other people. There are certain things I can think about and it changes my whole mood.  I have become fully aware of what my energy is capable of, so I am very particular about who gets to share this experience. You have to be aware of who and what you are, so you can recognize it in other people. Let that bullshit float on by or better yet, return to senders. We want real love that comes from real people with the ability to actually feel.  Do not accept anything less than what you deserve and do not let anyone interfere with your peace. 

Peace & Love


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