Friday, April 8, 2022

Several Ways to Please Him...

Today I will be sharing several ways to please him.  It is Springtime, the birds are singing, the trees are greener and the sun is shining bright.  There's a sweet smell in the air for those who can float that high.  The mood is requiring you to indulge in some pleasure.  The waves of desire are stronger and this time anything goes.  It's not for the frivolous. It's for those who can handle the power behind it and the consequences of giving in to what fuels your fire.  Transformative energy that will send you skyrocketing into outer space.   The kind that will send you to several places with each stroke.  The kind that changes your life because it was time someone gave it to you how you deserve.  Yes, baby come over, I have something for you, and I hope you like it.  Whew!!

Ok, I am back.  

Yes, when it comes to pleasing a man there is something that you should know about his anatomy.  It is very sensitive.  Stroke him on the chest, his back, or neck, while having an intimate conversation and he will relax and fall deep.   A man is not only fueled by the vision that is in front of him but your ability to touch places before you actually touch places.    What you do before any of the physical takes place initiates the effort this man will put in when he does get that chance to put it in (pun intended).  Be a great listener, let him talk,  pay attention to how he leads, and you be an active follower.

Does your man trust you enough to go outside his comfort zone when it comes to his desires?  Or is he getting those needs met outside of your relationship?  Are you ready to fulfill them with no judgment? Your man must feel comfortable enough to not only discuss what he wants with you but also wants you to fulfill those needs.   I highly suggest if he is wanting you to do or perform anything outside of your comfort zone, please just do not do it.  Do not compromise your integrity for anyone.   

 A woman can offer several things to a man, but the one that makes him think and feel will outlast all others.  The one that can touch those unchartered territories. When it comes to pleasuring him, you should do it better than anyone else.   An unexpected kiss can turn any man on, well at least mine can.  Always flirt and keep it sexy for no reason, because remember he's visual and he loves to look at the meal before he eats.  When was the last time you winked at him, licked your lips, blew him a kiss, or whispered something nasty in his ear? Let's not lose sight of the small things, because they always lead to bigger things.  

This weekend try something new.  Close down for the weekend and be all into each other.  Get outside and let the sun ignite you.  Look into each other's eyes when you are talking, and pay attention to all of his needs spoken and unspoken.  Some of you know what I am talking about.  Before you meet or follow through with your plans, imagine how you want the day or night to be and make it happen.

Peace & Love


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