Monday, April 4, 2022

Small Minds

Small Minds, why do they even exist?
Large on the outside, on your shoulders it barely fits

Caught up in your imaginary lane
Trying hard to find your imaginary fame'

Small minds are like seat fillers at the Oscar's
It looks like a star
It acts like a star
But unqualified for the real part

Your anger all clutched in those small ass nuts
Blaming the world for that hit you couldn't clutch

Oh, small mind
Why do you show yourself so blatantly?
Boasting loud cause no one has heard you lately?

Caught in a mirror you do not recognize
Stand back and close all of those eyes

Small mind it is not too late
Although expansion may hurt and the truth is a blur
Open it up and send your mind on a tour.

When you come back you will be free
Then small mind, you can have a conversation with me.


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