Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone!! January 1st has arrived and at this time of the year, I like to reflect on what has passed, the lessons I've learned, and the experience I've gained.  This year was more about discovering who I am, finding out who is around me, and trusting what I feel.  Maybe you have allowed yourself to let go of false beliefs, let go of unauthorized perceptions, and let go of people, places, and things that do not serve you, support you, or love you.  If you have let go of those things, then Congratulations!  You are ready for the next level of this experience called Life.  

It gets easier to recognize who belongs and who doesn't.  It gets easier to let go and cling to those things and people that actually leave you feeling good.  Change is good, and growth is even better.  You owe it to yourself to allow yourself to experience life through more than one stagnated lens.  Free Yourself.

One of the most beneficial things I did in 2022 was to have boundaries.  You can not control how people view you, you cannot control what they say and you cannot control what they think.  But you can control how you respond, you can control if you continue to be in their space and you can control if they are allowed to be in yours.  Having boundaries has been the most loving thing I did for myself.  It helps you to determine rather quickly who can be in that area of your life and who cannot.  Gauge how you feel after people leave your space.  Do you feel, "Wow, I can't wait to see them again!" Or is it more like, "Wow, where the fuck did my energy go?" Do you feel energized, or are you left feeling depressed and drained?   Spend time with people who can reciprocate real love and not just say the words.   Learn what it feels like to be accepted and loved so that an imposter won't stand a chance.   Gain the experience of knowing when there is an even exchange or atleast a similarity in the level of energy you are experiencing so that all of your sweetness will be returned and not just taken.
I've learned and I've closed doors and chapters. I've accepted people for who they are and moved around them accordingly.   Everything feels new and unchartered.   The world is changing and it seems like we are in the midst of whatever this new world has for all of us.  I experienced so much last year and it definitely has changed me, in a good way.  Sadly,  it became more apparent how much people are not satisfied with their own lives.  I understand how making another person a distraction can make you temporarily feel good, but it does not change the facts.  I hope for all of you as this new season rolls around that you will find more time to focus on yourself and love the parts of yourself that you have yet to discover.

Peace & Love 💓💓


"Thank you all for your love and support.  It gets greater later, so keep going." LLW

Check out my Etsy Candle Store! 

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