Wednesday, May 25, 2022

You Choose...

I find it quite interesting when people get into relationships and then wonder how they got into these relationships.  It's like, you choose a duck and now you are mad because the duck is quacking. Who's fault is that?  Is it theirs, because it has always been their nature to be a duck, to have duck ways, or was it the duck in you that resonated with that duck? I'm just saying, let's put the blame where it belongs because we all have to be made accountable for what we choose.

Let's not be discouraged by circumstances and do not let anyone make you feel bad about where you've been or where you are in life.  Every stage in life is temporary, grow from it, learn from it, and keep going. Stay focused, because you are already who you want to be.  I guarantee when you get to wherever you think you maybe want to go, they'll still be lookin' from where they're still at.   Do not let anyone tell you how to feel or how to respond to this world or how to show up in it.  We are all in this world, but some of us are out of this world.  We are having all these experiences, trying to manage our thoughts and stay focused on the prize, whatever that prize is.   You choose.  Do not let anyone tell you what to do.  You choose.  There shouldn’t be anyone thinking about you more than you think about yourself.  I do not mean that in a selfish way.  We are all taught to always think of others. I get it, but who got you more than you?  When you can have you, work on you, understand you, and forgive yourself for all the shit you didn't know, recognize all the pieces and try to put it all together the best way you can, that's all you.   Even on an airplane, they tell you to give the oxygen to yourself first.  Heal yourself. So we can heal this hurt nation. Her feelings have been hurt and we all know what happens when a woman is scorned.  She tears up cities and brings down nations. Destruction has to take place. The land needs to be plowed and turned over for these new seeds to be planted. Save your own life first! Heal yourself first! It's a continuous process, growth never stops, and you’re supposed to be getting better at this. Are you?

When you elevate your mind, you don’t talk about the same subjects you talked about five years ago.   You can barely be around the same people. I know I can’t. I am a foreigner. I had to reprogram and re-educate myself. I have the curiosity of a child, soaking up all this new information, so I am not even the person I was five years ago. I had to let go of all this pain that I was harboring and I choose to forgive and move on and let it all go.  The old me had to go, and I had to get to know myself all over again, and I love her. Are you willing to do the hard work alone, or do you need a pat on the back or congratulations in order for you to keep going?  Maybe you need permission to state your claim. Or maybe you feel your transformation needs a team effort?  I don’t know, You choose. 

I do know this, you have a unique path that's all yours, so don't give up on it.  Don't give up on your story.  You need to be here to tell it.  We all need each other right now in the right way.   Don’t let your heart go astray. Be accountable. Be responsible for your decisions, every single one of them.  What are you learning about yourself right now? Are you being brave? Are you being courageous?  Are you an active participant in the course your life is taking? Are you the Captain or a sailor?  Are you The Queen or are you a princess? You choose. 

Peace and Love


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