Saturday, April 30, 2022

Your State of Mind


What is your state of mind?  Are you at peace or are you at war with yourself?   Do you know what makes you happy?  Is it one thing or is it many? Are there things on your mind that you just cannot figure out or things that you cannot control?  Do you pay more attention to other people's lives than you do your own life?  What themes do you allow to rule your thoughts?  Do you think of all the people you have helped?  Or do you think of all the people who have done you wrong?   As you go throughout the day, are you aware of your thoughts or are you on autopilot going through life in a systematic way processing thoughts that you do not even remember?

You are the gatekeeper of your thoughts. You determine what gets to be the spotlight of your mind. So what are you spending your time thinking about?   Is it the past and all the things you didn't do?  Or Is it the future, and all the things you will do?  How often do you spend your time just in the moment, enjoying what and where you are right now?  Maybe you think you need certain things in order to feel a certain type of way, well, you don't.   I have everything I need and so much more.  You can start experiencing the feeling of what you want right now. If you want to be a millionaire you must already feel like one.  If you want to change anything about your life, you must believe that you are worthy of whatever it is.  You have to walk with the belief that you can have anything you want and you can. Trust me.

I began this post by asking what is your state of mind?  Well, what is it?   What are you allowing to control your mood?  Who is making you smile?  I suggest if it doesn't make you feel good, tell it goodbye.  If it is not coming from a supportive, loving, kind, and stable mental state, let it go.   I have come to master the art of feeling good and it has absolutely nothing to do with other people. There are certain things I can think about and it changes my whole mood.  I have become fully aware of what my energy is capable of, so I am very particular about who gets to share this experience. You have to be aware of who and what you are, so you can recognize it in other people. Let that bullshit float on by or better yet, return to senders. We want real love that comes from real people with the ability to actually feel.  Do not accept anything less than what you deserve and do not let anyone interfere with your peace. 

Peace & Love


Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Trust Yourself

Have you ever felt an inkling about something?  Have you ever had a gut feeling?  Have you ever had a thought that came from nowhere and you acted upon it without any logical reason? That is your inner guide.  Some make call it your higher self or intuition. I like to call it your inner-navigation system.  It always tells you what's right and when you ignore it, you get lost. You must develop that amazing extra sense that you have.  One day, it will be all you need.  You can barely trust the things that people are telling you these days.  People will literally look you in the eye and straight-up tell you a lie and feel no qualms about it.  But the one thing that a liar can not do is hide the truth.  

So you might ask, how does one learn to trust their gut?   You learn by trusting it and never doubting it.  You learn by asking questions and when the answer comes, don't be surprised because you already felt it was true.  Sometimes all this amazing navigation system does is confirm what we already know.   You knew she was cheating.  You knew he had a woman.  You know damn well she is not going to take you back.  You knew you didn't deserve her, but you tried anyway. These are the things that you tell yourself because you already know.  Unles, you are allowing fear to dictate your future in a negative way.  That's another episode because you can manifest your fears and that's different than trusting your intuition.

I remember once when I was dating a guy who paid for me to take a flight from California to Atlanta to make up to me for his cheating. Yeah, you know they go all out when they have screwed up.  I loved this man, but the actual catching him cheating was the end for me.  I had a feeling that once I got to Atlanta, it was not going to be a good trip.  My heart had already been broken so I was not going to go all the way to Atlanta to tell him, No, again. That would have been another argument, and considering where I was going I would not have been able to just leave.  But, I still wanted to visit Atlanta.  I was packed and ready to go, but when the time came, my body literally became heavy and I had to sit down.  I sat there and I felt like I should not go.  The feeling was so strong that I would have been crazy to try and make it to the airport.  I missed the flight.  I missed the driver, with the limo and the flowers, but his friend made sure he told me exactly how he felt about it.  I knew at that point I had made the right decision.

The only way to have a great relationship with your higher self or intuition is to trust it.  Like any relationship, trust is a key component.  Learn to trust yourself, your decisions, and your way of living. Do not depend on outside sources to be your decision-maker, trust how you feel and go from there.   Do not let too many times go by that you have to say, "I knew It!"  It will save you a lot of headaches if you allow yourself to be guided and make decisions on how you instinctively feel.   Do not try to control so much of what you think you may know.  If you are feeling unsure, then give it time. If you ever get the feeling that you should not do something, trust it, and don't do it.  If you ever get the feeling that this is something that you can do, then take the risk, it might turn out better than you think.  

Peace & Love



Monday, April 18, 2022

The Bear & The Honey

Once upon a time, there was a big grizzly bear that roamed the forest.  This Bear was greedy, loud, and quite atrocious.   Anything he wanted he would figure out a way to cheat or to steal it.  He believed that he was the King of the jungle and that any and everything belonged to him.  One of his favorite pastimes was going from honeycomb to honeycomb destroying the bee family for their honey.   He loved honey and would do anything for it. 

One day the bear was trolling the forest and he came upon the most delicious-looking honeycomb he had ever seen.  The honeycomb was shining bright with yellow and tan combs that glistened in the sun.  The bee's were in harmony as they created the sweetest of juices.  The smell of honey was festering in his nose and he had to have that honey.

The Bear began to reach for the honeycomb, but each time his hand came back smoldering with smoke.  He tried another side of the honeycomb, but this time his hand came back frozen. The Bear sat there exhausted from all the effort and quite puzzled as to why he could not reach this honey.  He kept trying and didn't notice that the seasons had changed and so had his body.  The bear tried to walk, but he had no feet, the bear tried to hunt, but he had no hands.   The bear soon realized that he had used all his energy focused on this one honeycomb and didn't notice the loss of his hands and feet and had to roll into a cave.

What the Bear didn't realize is this honey was protected by the four elements in the forest that he ruled.  The Bear didn't realize that the same elements that protected that honeycomb were the same elements that allowed him to be in the forest.  Those same elements could not allow the Bear to destroy this very special honeycomb, with very special honey bees, that produced very special honey.  The protection around the honeycomb was invisible to those who did not deserve to eat from the honeycomb.  They didn't realize in order to see the traps you had to be honey. 


Friday, April 15, 2022

Question Of The Day!

How do you know when your lover doesn't love you even though they say they do?

The first thing is do their actions match their words?  Is what they used to do, still what they do?  At the beginning of the relationship, there will be certain things established, one of those things will be the foundation.  Others will be, how you communicate, what is expected, and if you are on the same page, those are the things that will be determined.   Beware of people who come in strong and fast trying to find out all they can about you, so they can cater to those particular needs without really knowing who you really are. 

Another indication that the love may be waning is If you notice that things that used to be easy are all of a sudden difficult. Having a simple conversation is now a problem.  You can't really agree on anything without an argument or they just don't care altogether and not be as involved as they used to.  Similar to when you feel love, you can also feel when love disconnects, it's just that too many people ignore those feelings and never address them until it all blows up.

Do you feel as if you are a priority or just someone who is being tolerated?  A person who is a priority is catered to and taken care of.  They actually can feel the love. You are taking care of each other and it's mutually beneficial.  You can feel the love through their actions and there's no question that this person loves you.  If you are being tolerated, it is because this person knows you, and it is easier to keep the peace or to keep you around to avoid the repercussions of actually letting you go.  Either way, there is no way that you cannot avoid the fact that the love in your relationship has lessened and their actions are a true indication of the current state.

Have a great weekend, It's all yours!💝💝💝

"I will never change my generous heart, but I will change who I am generous to." LLW

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Your Thoughts Matter

So what do you think about yourself?  We all have opinions, but what is your opinion of yourself? I am not going to tell you to love yourself and give you some great affirmations to help you stir your soul and keep you motivated. No, time out for that.  Today you will take the first step towards becoming accountable for your life. We all know how to go on youtube and find anything we want.  We can find information on how to do almost anything.  But who put all that information for you to find on that phone, laptop, or computer?  It must have been something greater than the computer itself, right?  It had to be something that can anticipate the needs of humans.  Before any of that can took place, it was a thought.  Someone's thoughts created the huge information highway that we all use today. I believe it was Charles Babbage, in the 1800s, but he was before his time and when you are before your time, they let time pass and then reintroduce you at a later time.

I want you to get an idea of how powerful your thoughts are.  I want you to understand that everything that is around you has been created by your thoughts.  It was by your design. At some point, throughout the day someone has had the same thoughts and ideas as you.  The better idea or the stronger thought will be fueled by belief, persistence, and creativity. I mean that is why you create vision boards and say affirmations, right?  You are confirming what you want or what you want to create and you are creating it first in your mind.  Your thoughts have a vibration and the more you focus on something the more you send out that request, eventually what you are focusing on will come to you if you are able to maintain that thought or vibration.  Some of you want things but get discouraged because it took too long.  Some of you had someone in your ear sending you messages and creating actions of derailment to take you off course,  and for some of you, it worked.  If you are wondering why nothing is working out for you, it may just not be for you.  Some of you are going after things that you will never be aligned with, but you just don't know it yet. 

So let's get back to you being accountable for your thoughts.   You are the creator of all that is in your life.  Unless you are running around and someone else has your remote, then this life is all on you.  No one can make us do anything that we don't agree with. Voluntarily or involuntarily, we give in.  Nothing really happens to us, it happens for us and even on our worst of days, you still have the power to change it.   When you are blaming other people for your misfortunes, blaming other people for your lack, blaming other people for whatever you didn't do, it is because you have taken a backseat in your own life and someone else is running it, how does that feel?   It also means you have yet to take the proper inventory of your life and see things for what they are and who you are.  I cannot tell you all the things people have done to impede my progress, to create roadblocks only to be sent back to the drawing board.  I have plenty of knives in my back, but they are in my back, so I keep moving forward while gaining momentum in the process.  Alchemy.

People. family and friends come into our lives as tests, and we are all playing Mario trying to beat the gorilla in order to get to the next level.  When we run into roadblocks, make bad investments, and do not think things through it means our thoughts are not aligned with what we are supposed to do.  We lose all foresight and have no idea what's next because we're too caught up in the past.  When you are so bent on watching and hurting people and stepping on them, you'll soon be reminded of how small your thoughts are.  There has got to be some other pressing issue that needs your attention than focusing on people who are minding their business. If it's not, then it's about to be.

There's freedom in your thoughts.  There's love, there's the creation and your mind, body, and soul have to be aligned for greater things to happen.   There is nothing that can trap you more than your mind.  Your mind can be a friend or a foe.  It plays games and confirms our comfort because the truth will always make us uncomfortable.  We must reprogram ourselves to accept ourselves just as we are and handle the shit we don't like, without making it someone else's problem. We have the power to be anything.  How bad do you want it?   If you need approval from others, you may not make it.  If you let fear dictate your life, then you are not built for this.  Your thoughts should fascinate you and make and take you places, not create obsessions and help you lose all grips on reality.  I am waiting to see what you create. I am waiting to see how you use the power of your mind because your thoughts are the only thing that matters.

Peace & Love


Sunday, April 10, 2022

Question of The Day!

Can you fake love someone for a long time or will you get caught?

Yes, and people do it all the time for selfish reasons.  They are either in the relationship for money, a place to stay, clout, or some other superficial reason that they may find beneficial.  It's all about what they are gaining by pretending they love you.

These people have some kind of disassociative personality disorder because even though they know what they are doing is wrong, they believe in their own facade, which creates a level of comfort so they also believe they'll never get caught. 

Do these people ever get caught?  Yes, they do.  I imagine being fake becomes exhausting and when that mask fall off and you can see their true face, it will require for them to do more work.  If they have been deceiving you for a long time, they are less likely to want to put in more work to continue the facade and that's when things will get real interesting.  If you're lucky they will just up and disappear.

If they have invested too much in the fakeness they may find it hard to let go of their idea of what's real. They will start to either try to make you look bad among people who adore you, create imaginary problems, so you'll need them to solve them and do all they can to make you seem unstable all because they know, their gig is up.  

Although you may feel like a fool for ignoring the signs and for not leaving or acting upon your intuition years ago, the opportunity will present itself and this time it cannot be ignored. This becomes a lesson for the both of you.  You will gain self-worth and learn to trust your intuition and they will hopefully see themselves for the hurt person they are and get some help.  Or they will move on to other people who are like them and remain in their toxic cycle unable to come to terms with their own self-destructive behavior.  


Friday, April 8, 2022

Several Ways to Please Him...

Today I will be sharing several ways to please him.  It is Springtime, the birds are singing, the trees are greener and the sun is shining bright.  There's a sweet smell in the air for those who can float that high.  The mood is requiring you to indulge in some pleasure.  The waves of desire are stronger and this time anything goes.  It's not for the frivolous. It's for those who can handle the power behind it and the consequences of giving in to what fuels your fire.  Transformative energy that will send you skyrocketing into outer space.   The kind that will send you to several places with each stroke.  The kind that changes your life because it was time someone gave it to you how you deserve.  Yes, baby come over, I have something for you, and I hope you like it.  Whew!!

Ok, I am back.  

Yes, when it comes to pleasing a man there is something that you should know about his anatomy.  It is very sensitive.  Stroke him on the chest, his back, or neck, while having an intimate conversation and he will relax and fall deep.   A man is not only fueled by the vision that is in front of him but your ability to touch places before you actually touch places.    What you do before any of the physical takes place initiates the effort this man will put in when he does get that chance to put it in (pun intended).  Be a great listener, let him talk,  pay attention to how he leads, and you be an active follower.

Does your man trust you enough to go outside his comfort zone when it comes to his desires?  Or is he getting those needs met outside of your relationship?  Are you ready to fulfill them with no judgment? Your man must feel comfortable enough to not only discuss what he wants with you but also wants you to fulfill those needs.   I highly suggest if he is wanting you to do or perform anything outside of your comfort zone, please just do not do it.  Do not compromise your integrity for anyone.   

 A woman can offer several things to a man, but the one that makes him think and feel will outlast all others.  The one that can touch those unchartered territories. When it comes to pleasuring him, you should do it better than anyone else.   An unexpected kiss can turn any man on, well at least mine can.  Always flirt and keep it sexy for no reason, because remember he's visual and he loves to look at the meal before he eats.  When was the last time you winked at him, licked your lips, blew him a kiss, or whispered something nasty in his ear? Let's not lose sight of the small things, because they always lead to bigger things.  

This weekend try something new.  Close down for the weekend and be all into each other.  Get outside and let the sun ignite you.  Look into each other's eyes when you are talking, and pay attention to all of his needs spoken and unspoken.  Some of you know what I am talking about.  Before you meet or follow through with your plans, imagine how you want the day or night to be and make it happen.

Peace & Love


Monday, April 4, 2022

Small Minds

Small Minds, why do they even exist?
Large on the outside, on your shoulders it barely fits

Caught up in your imaginary lane
Trying hard to find your imaginary fame'

Small minds are like seat fillers at the Oscar's
It looks like a star
It acts like a star
But unqualified for the real part

Your anger all clutched in those small ass nuts
Blaming the world for that hit you couldn't clutch

Oh, small mind
Why do you show yourself so blatantly?
Boasting loud cause no one has heard you lately?

Caught in a mirror you do not recognize
Stand back and close all of those eyes

Small mind it is not too late
Although expansion may hurt and the truth is a blur
Open it up and send your mind on a tour.

When you come back you will be free
Then small mind, you can have a conversation with me.



As some of you may know all of my social media accounts have been hacked. If you receive text or calls from my phone or email it not have be...