Friday, January 28, 2022

When They Tell Lies

Greetings, beautiful people on this freaky Friday. Are you alright?

When they tell lies.
Have you ever been lied to or lied on?  Have you ever told a lie to spare someone's feelings or to save someone from embarrassment?  Have you ever had someone lie about something in your relationship?  Have you ever heard a rumor and later found out it was a lie.  Did you feel like a fool for believing those lies? When you withhold information is that the same as telling a lie?  Well, these are some of the things that I will be discussing today.   People tend to put a lot of value on the truth, and yes the truth is very valuable, but they never give a good lie the credit that it deserves.  When it comes to lying, since it's never going to be the truth, it just has to be believable, right?  Let's examine some lies that people tend to tell.

Little white lies.  I am not sure why they call it little white lies, maybe because of the innocence of the lie.  Or that the lie does not do any real damage or cause any harm.  These are the kind of lies that you tell to spare someone's feelings or to withhold information that someone does not need to know.  For example, Do I look fat? "No honey, that dress makes you look like a model."  Or if he asks, did you cum?  And you lie and say you did, so he could stop jumping on your vajayjay like a trampoline.  Yes, those kinds of lies are considered white lies.  I've told a few lies in my day, mostly to change the subject.  Like when someone asks me something personal that's none of their business and that I don't want to share.  I will lie to change the subject or make up a lie to catch them off guard.  Yes. No. Really?

Then there are the lies that someone might tell to boost their ego or to make something seem like it's not.  I have experienced this a few times.  Sometimes the men that I've dated always want to make it seem like I was extra in love with them and they had to let me go or something.  Their lies would even go as far as to say that we were still dating and I probably haven't seen this person in years.   There would be no pics, no DM's, no evidence of us dating, and people would still believe it.  I remember when I was in college and there was a guy that liked me. He never said he liked me or showed any kind of interest in me, but every time we were in the lunchroom, I would catch him staring at me.  It wasn't a creepy stare, but a curious stare. You can always feel someone staring at you and when I did it was always him.  A few semesters went by and a few of my friends started asking me if I was dating him in secret and if I was sneaking into his dorm room at night.   Of course, I was like, hell no. Why would I do that? All this guy does is stare at me.  Come to find out, he had stolen a picture of me from my dorm room at a time when I had a group of friends over, and placed it on his wall in his dorm room and was telling people I was his girlfriend.  I asked for the picture back and he apologized and we actually ended up being friends.  But that's an example of how a person can lie to make themselves look better than they really are.

I can understand why a man who once had me would lie.   It is because he wants to make it seem like I am unavailable to those who may be interested.   I can understand because I love deeply. My love is not for the shallow.   It's not for the superficial.  But once you screw it up, you will forever long for it and go as far as to pretend and lie and say that you still have it.  You will have to dip in a whole lot of wells to find something just as sweet. So I can understand why a man would lie and tell stories that are not true.  
Then there are the lies that are created to damage your reputation.  The lies that people who are jealous tell.  The lies that people who are envious tell.  The lies that are being told that they never think will get back to you lie's. Yes!  These lies can make the perpetrator look real good because it makes them seem like they know something about someone that no one else does.  It could also make them look like the victim.  These lies are created to make a person who is more than likely minding their business and have no idea that these lies are being circulated behind their back, look like a bad person or crazy among those who would otherwise think highly of them.  These lies are created to devalue you.  They tell those lies with the hope that no one sees your true shine like they do.   A person can tell a lie and have a whole neighborhood looking at you crazy.  It must be a sickness. People who tell lies about you just put them on the "Irrevelant List".   Do you have one of those?  Or am I the only one?  I have several lists, but this one is my favorite.   These people are only relevant when they are talking about someone else.  The irrelevant list is where you put people who just do not matter. Their opinions do not matter, what they think does not matter, what they say does not matter. They just do not matter, so when they start talking and spreading lies, guess what?  It does not matter.  Because you do not matter and that means you also do not exist.  And I always say, if my name is in your mouth good or bad, it must taste real good.

The lies that are the worst are the lies that we tell ourselves.  People who do not even acknowledge the fucked up things that they do.  They may even feel justified in trying to ruin someone's reputation or character. When we tell ourselves lies, we are creating a barrier between (from) who we are and who we want to be.  We are also saying to ourselves that we are not worthy of being anything more than who or what we think we tell ourselves.  So let's pretend that we are something more, by putting someone else down.  Let's put on a happy face and smile for the crowd, that really never see 's us.   When in reality, you really could be something more, but because you do not see yourself as something more, you lie to yourself and believe those lies, and those lies help you to remain feeling inadequate, defeated and comparing yourself to things and people who don't even see you. Turn that lie into the truth.  Change your thoughts about yourself and be what you imagined.  It is not easy facing your demons and the parts of yourself that you are ashamed of or that you want to pretend do not exist. But once you do acknowledge yourself and give yourself some credit for how far you've come, it will allow a new powerful you to come forth. But until then, stay in the dark.

Everyone tells lies every now and again. I do not know one person who has not told a lie at some point in their life.  If you ever run across someone who says they do not lie or has never told a lie, that just might be a lie.  I guess it's all a lie until it's the truth.  Lies from the envious are just projections of what they see in themselves.  It is never really about you.  It is about people and their unaddressed issues, their self-hate, and horrible decision-making.  Address it when necessary, but do not take it personally.  The truth always prevails, right?  You can definitely count on that.  So if a lie has changed your life or if you have experienced a disgrace because of a lie.  Never worry about your reputation, your character will speak volumes over any lie.  How you respond to these lies will not only lead the way to the truth, but help dismantle the reputation and character of those who told, listened to, and shared those lies. 

Peace & Love


Photo credit: Workplace Psychology

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