Monday, January 31, 2022



Greetings beautiful people.  Are you alright?

Soulmates, Karmic's, and Twin flames, I am going to share my idea of these energies.  I call them energies because based on your energy and the vibe that you are sending out determines the connection you call in.  You call in these lessons you need to learn.  You call in the people who will give you those lessons.  And when you are ready, you also call in that ultimate love, which we will refer to as your twin flame.  We all get what we deserve.  There is no way around it.  So when we decide to get into relationships whether it works out or not, it is always what we deserve.

People float in and out of our lives to serve one purpose and that is to teach us about ourselves.  Relationships are supposed to elevate you, encourage you, and help you to ascend to your higher self.  It is a beautiful process when you can grow and learn with the person you love.  But, what if that relationship that you thought was forever, ends?  Is your life over or is it just an opportunity to change your lifestyle to accommodate the you that you are becoming?  When we change and our relationship doesn't work out, or we start to see people for who they really are.  It is always associated with how we feel about ourselves.  The dynamics of a relationship can change and a person who you thought was a soulmate, is now a karmic lesson.

A Soulmate can be anyone.  A best friend, a pet, a cousin, or a lover.  There is an undeniable connection.  This person is someone who you can easily talk to, be friends with or establish a long-term relationship with. There is a connection of like souls.   No time or space can interfere with these connections because you can always pick up where you left off.  Soulmate relationships can be long or short-term.  You can outgrow soul mate relationships because they are not all meant to last.  I know I have had a few soulmates.  People whom I connect with on several different levels.  People outside of this relationship or relationships may not understand the connection, but there is something there that you can not explain and it is wonderful.

Karmic relationships are very different.  They usually involve people who have had a past life connection, who has karma to complete in this lifetime.  A relationship with a karmic whether male or female is hot and heavy.  They come in fast and it often ends fast as well.  But for those karmic relationships that last, those relationships are usually filled with drama, jealousy, and great sex.  I add the great sex in there because it is a very powerful component in these relationships.  It was the main component that kept me in the cycle of my karmic relationship.  We would break up and get back together to the point where he started to take me for granted.   The uncertainty I was feeling allowed me to disconnect and break the cycle. And once I am done, I am done.  It may take me a while to get there,  but once I get there, there is nothing you can do.   I was the one to initiate the break in the cycle, my lesson was self-worth and his was learning to love and live in his truth. His next woman had him in the same misery he tried to have me in.  And the cycle will continue until people realize their part in their own unhappiness.

 Karmic relationships are heavy in the material world; money and sex, is basically how deep it goes.  Anything deeper will expose their weakness and have them face themselves and some of them do not like their face.  Perception is all that matters because the reality of some of these relationships is pure doom.  They usually both have low-self esteem, damaging emotions with games and lack of trust makes their bond even stronger.  They compete with each other, and because this connection feels so familiar, it's hard to break.  You learn some hard lessons in karmic relationships.  Some people are married to their karmic.  If you stay around too long and do not learn those lessons and do not evolve, you will repeat the cycle with another karmic who is also on that same journey and who also needs to learn those same lessons. 

Twin Flame.  People are always asking about the "twin flame journey".  What is it? When will I know?  A lot of you had your twin flame right in your hands and you let him or her go for a karmic lesson. That is what happens when you are not ready.  And when you are not ready, the one that you thought you didn't need or care about, gets away and you're stuck with that lesson.  You have to be an evolved human to invite that kind of love into your life.  The energy of a twin flame relationship, if you want to call it that, is the relationship that adds to your fulfillment.  It is one soul that has split into two and the journey to finding that other half begins at birth.  It's the relationship for being open enough to do the work on yourself.  You have been honest enough to change what is necessary to receive what you truly deserve.   It is the relationship you enter when you know yourself, or if you are with someone who is willing to assist in your evolution.  It's not perfection, but understanding that gets you through the day.  You are vibing high and you are only inviting the peace and love that you exude to share your journey.  There is understanding in your differences, and an acceptance of each other because you know each other.  This can happen at any point in your life, whenever it does happen, you both know you have come together for a purpose.  

There are several other kinds of relationships and connections we make in this lifetime.  Soulmates, karmic, or twin flames all play a part in your evolution as humans.  Do not limit yourself from exploring and never take your relationships for granted.    The relationship we choose is always a reflection of who we think we are.  Choose wisely, because it can all be a test to see if you are ready for what's next.  We are all vibrating beings, constantly sending out signals.  We are all here to share our experiences and not be judged by them. How we relate to each other, tells us so much about ourselves.  How you treat people determines the lessons you need to learn.  In this astonishing gift of life, share it with enthusiasm with those you love and with those who are worth the journey.

Peace & Love



Friday, January 28, 2022

When They Tell Lies

Greetings, beautiful people on this freaky Friday. Are you alright?

When they tell lies.
Have you ever been lied to or lied on?  Have you ever told a lie to spare someone's feelings or to save someone from embarrassment?  Have you ever had someone lie about something in your relationship?  Have you ever heard a rumor and later found out it was a lie.  Did you feel like a fool for believing those lies? When you withhold information is that the same as telling a lie?  Well, these are some of the things that I will be discussing today.   People tend to put a lot of value on the truth, and yes the truth is very valuable, but they never give a good lie the credit that it deserves.  When it comes to lying, since it's never going to be the truth, it just has to be believable, right?  Let's examine some lies that people tend to tell.

Little white lies.  I am not sure why they call it little white lies, maybe because of the innocence of the lie.  Or that the lie does not do any real damage or cause any harm.  These are the kind of lies that you tell to spare someone's feelings or to withhold information that someone does not need to know.  For example, Do I look fat? "No honey, that dress makes you look like a model."  Or if he asks, did you cum?  And you lie and say you did, so he could stop jumping on your vajayjay like a trampoline.  Yes, those kinds of lies are considered white lies.  I've told a few lies in my day, mostly to change the subject.  Like when someone asks me something personal that's none of their business and that I don't want to share.  I will lie to change the subject or make up a lie to catch them off guard.  Yes. No. Really?

Then there are the lies that someone might tell to boost their ego or to make something seem like it's not.  I have experienced this a few times.  Sometimes the men that I've dated always want to make it seem like I was extra in love with them and they had to let me go or something.  Their lies would even go as far as to say that we were still dating and I probably haven't seen this person in years.   There would be no pics, no DM's, no evidence of us dating, and people would still believe it.  I remember when I was in college and there was a guy that liked me. He never said he liked me or showed any kind of interest in me, but every time we were in the lunchroom, I would catch him staring at me.  It wasn't a creepy stare, but a curious stare. You can always feel someone staring at you and when I did it was always him.  A few semesters went by and a few of my friends started asking me if I was dating him in secret and if I was sneaking into his dorm room at night.   Of course, I was like, hell no. Why would I do that? All this guy does is stare at me.  Come to find out, he had stolen a picture of me from my dorm room at a time when I had a group of friends over, and placed it on his wall in his dorm room and was telling people I was his girlfriend.  I asked for the picture back and he apologized and we actually ended up being friends.  But that's an example of how a person can lie to make themselves look better than they really are.

I can understand why a man who once had me would lie.   It is because he wants to make it seem like I am unavailable to those who may be interested.   I can understand because I love deeply. My love is not for the shallow.   It's not for the superficial.  But once you screw it up, you will forever long for it and go as far as to pretend and lie and say that you still have it.  You will have to dip in a whole lot of wells to find something just as sweet. So I can understand why a man would lie and tell stories that are not true.  
Then there are the lies that are created to damage your reputation.  The lies that people who are jealous tell.  The lies that people who are envious tell.  The lies that are being told that they never think will get back to you lie's. Yes!  These lies can make the perpetrator look real good because it makes them seem like they know something about someone that no one else does.  It could also make them look like the victim.  These lies are created to make a person who is more than likely minding their business and have no idea that these lies are being circulated behind their back, look like a bad person or crazy among those who would otherwise think highly of them.  These lies are created to devalue you.  They tell those lies with the hope that no one sees your true shine like they do.   A person can tell a lie and have a whole neighborhood looking at you crazy.  It must be a sickness. People who tell lies about you just put them on the "Irrevelant List".   Do you have one of those?  Or am I the only one?  I have several lists, but this one is my favorite.   These people are only relevant when they are talking about someone else.  The irrelevant list is where you put people who just do not matter. Their opinions do not matter, what they think does not matter, what they say does not matter. They just do not matter, so when they start talking and spreading lies, guess what?  It does not matter.  Because you do not matter and that means you also do not exist.  And I always say, if my name is in your mouth good or bad, it must taste real good.

The lies that are the worst are the lies that we tell ourselves.  People who do not even acknowledge the fucked up things that they do.  They may even feel justified in trying to ruin someone's reputation or character. When we tell ourselves lies, we are creating a barrier between (from) who we are and who we want to be.  We are also saying to ourselves that we are not worthy of being anything more than who or what we think we tell ourselves.  So let's pretend that we are something more, by putting someone else down.  Let's put on a happy face and smile for the crowd, that really never see 's us.   When in reality, you really could be something more, but because you do not see yourself as something more, you lie to yourself and believe those lies, and those lies help you to remain feeling inadequate, defeated and comparing yourself to things and people who don't even see you. Turn that lie into the truth.  Change your thoughts about yourself and be what you imagined.  It is not easy facing your demons and the parts of yourself that you are ashamed of or that you want to pretend do not exist. But once you do acknowledge yourself and give yourself some credit for how far you've come, it will allow a new powerful you to come forth. But until then, stay in the dark.

Everyone tells lies every now and again. I do not know one person who has not told a lie at some point in their life.  If you ever run across someone who says they do not lie or has never told a lie, that just might be a lie.  I guess it's all a lie until it's the truth.  Lies from the envious are just projections of what they see in themselves.  It is never really about you.  It is about people and their unaddressed issues, their self-hate, and horrible decision-making.  Address it when necessary, but do not take it personally.  The truth always prevails, right?  You can definitely count on that.  So if a lie has changed your life or if you have experienced a disgrace because of a lie.  Never worry about your reputation, your character will speak volumes over any lie.  How you respond to these lies will not only lead the way to the truth, but help dismantle the reputation and character of those who told, listened to, and shared those lies. 

Peace & Love


Photo credit: Workplace Psychology

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Fools Rush In

Greetings beautiful people, how are you on this Sunday morning?  Are you alright?

I am doing quite lovely these days, and as Capricorn season comes to an end, Aquarius season is in full effect and since I am an Aquarius rising, it is still my season. And guess what? The heat is going UP.

I had the chance to have a brief conversation with a few intellects over the weekend and as usual, we were able to go into some in-depth conversation.  That is the only type of conversation I like to truly engage myself in. All the other shit I have to listen to, about who, what, and whatever just gets tedious after a while. So, I just try to spend more time with people who do not talk so much about other people. Ya' know what I mean?

Anyway, the theme of the conversation was when fools rush in.  When Fools Rush In was the name of a movie back in 1997,  that involved a couple who decided to get married after their one-night stand ends up with a pregnancy.  They decide to get married without really knowing each other. How many of us have done that?  As time passes on the marriage is challenged by things they didn’t know about each other, hence the meaning fools rush in.  Another meaning is fools rush in are the lyrics by Ricky Nelson, and I think the suave guy Frank Sinatra also did a version of the song and the lyrics were, "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.  And so I come to you, my love. My heart is above my head.  Though I see the danger there, If there's a chance for me, then I don't care.  Fools rush in where wise men never go. But wise men never fall in love.

Those were just a few examples of the usage of fools rush in and our conversation and meaning of fools rush in were basically along those same lines.  Fools, meaning people actually rushing into situations without thinking and having to suffer the consequences.  Only a fool would see danger and still walk into it with the hopes that the danger will not affect them.  You will have to have a pretty damn powerful belief system to willingly walk into flames and not come out burned to a crisp. But a fool will rush in any way thinking and believing that they will not burn.  A fool would not see the consequences of their actions, because a fool lacks foresight.  And sometimes, a fool may also rush in knowing the consequences, making him an even bigger fool.  So what do you do about a fool or fools, for that matter, you let them burn.  How else will a fool learn?  I mean, can a fool learn?  Or do they just keep on being foolish?  I don't know, I guess I better ask a fool.

So, if you ever run across some fools, let them play their part. You know I believe that everyone plays their part, and when you can see like me, you are never surprised when people step into their appointed positions.  A fool will always think they are outsmarting you.  But, you should also remember, sometimes it's ok to play the fool, to fool, the fool, who thinks they're fooling you.

Peace & Love


Thursday, January 20, 2022

Cat Lady❤️

Thank you all for your love and support. My podcast is available on most platforms. You can order my books by clicking the link to the right! 

 Subscribe & Share AND Stay tuned for what’s coming NEXT!πŸ’• MEEEOOOOOWWWWπŸ’‹πŸŒš✨🀩

Saturday, January 15, 2022

3 Ways to Stay on Top of Your Game

Greetings, beautiful people. How are you on this Sunday?  Are You Alright?

I have been celebrating my birthday, being in a state of gratitude and I wanted to thank all of you for your birthday wishes.

Today, I will give you a few jewels that I've learned and used.  When you awaken to your reality, everyone around you becomes crystal clear.  You see the past very clearly and your ability to create the future. You see how people have mistreated you, how they have misjudged you and how they have hoped that you never find out who you really are.  Those same people will keep tabs on your actions because they want to know how you do what you do.  And they also want to figure out a way that they can be included.

I highly recommend you leave the past in the past because everyone is not worthy of going with you to your next stage of your journey, and if you think about it, that was the whole reason for the awakening in the first place.  It was to not only awaken you to the people around you but awaken you to your true self.  People have a tendency to put on faces that look like everyone else.  When you pretend for so long, you lose your real face and your whole existence becomes a lie.  For those of you who are expereincing changes you may not undestand and you want to better navigate through this filtered maze, here are some tips that will keep you on top of your game.

I am often misjudged and it used to bother me to be misunderstood, but now I know that a person can only understand me as well as they understand themselves.  You can not expect a person who has never been a business owner to understand the dedication and the sacrifice.   You can not expect a person who has never been real with themselves to be real with you.  So they can not fathom how big your dreams are or determine how far you will go.  They can only judge you on how far they can go, which is why you may sometimes hear people say, "You'll never do that."  "I didn't even do that." "You can't do that". They are not talking about you, they are talking about themselves.
Side Note:  This reminds me of a friend I used to have.  I did not realize how throughout our whole friendship she was competing with me, but a hater will always eventually reveal themselves, if you listen.  Anyway, this friend had been my friend for atleast 10 years at this point, I had already had my first child and she was on her way to having her second.  This friend had done some shady shit in the past, like get pregnant by her neighbor and had her boyfriend pay for the abortion, but hey, I never judged her.    Anyway, she had just found out she was pregnant with her second child and she looked at me and said, "Another baby, you didn't even do that."  I was a bit thrown at first, but then I realized she was competing and comparing and when you do that against a woman like me, you could cause yourself to go into full blown depression.  Why would you do that?  When you mind your own business, you will have people competing against you, and jealous of you and you will have no idea.  Their whole life will be revolved around doing better than you, while you are just doing you.   Let people think small for you, because they have no idea what you can accomplish.

How many times have you seen people get a little bit of something and it's all over the internet. They go to the internet to announce every aspect of their life, only to find out later that people really don't give a shit about your life.  Half of them hate the fact that you're happy. So when you're elevating, you have to keep certain things to yourself.  Keep quiet.  Let people talk, assume and make judgements.  Some will say you must be mad about something, (Don't you just love it when they try to make it about them?) Others may think you acting different or you've changed.  Yes, you have changed and guess what, you are still looking the same, if not worse.  We are not on the same frequency, and this relationship is above me now.   Sometimes God keeps you hidden from the people who are not supposed to see you. So stop trying to be seen around people who are blind to your greatness.  Keep that good news to yourself, and just celebrate with people who have your best interest.

Never confront people with what you know.  Let people assume that you do not know how they talk behind your back, how they want what you got, and how they slander your name.  Pretend you don't see the tactics that they have been put in place behind your back, so when they come back around smiling like a chess cat, the silent treatment will be best served cold.  Pretend you don't know how people you've been there for, didn't stand up for you, but instead they choose to believe lies.  You do not need to respond to anyone.  You do not need to justify any of your actions.  They know why they are getting the silent treatment, because if they didn't know, they would be on the phone trying to find out why and what's going on.  Learn to play dumb around dumb people, and pretend you don't know.

Peace & Love


Monday, January 10, 2022

Watch Your Words Pt. III

In conclusion, of my discussion on the power of your words, I would like to share with you some examples of how powerful words are and how you can use them to change your life.  I am going to share a few affirmations and words that have worked for me in creating the life that I want.  As I am sure most of you know affirmations are a powerful way to affirm that what you are saying is what you believe and what you believe, is true.  I've mentioned before how words can make or break you.  Words are mightier than the sword. So, why not use them to create the life you want and to transform who you are? And this is a daily thing. I am still working towards a lot of the things that I want to accomplish, and become. When I look back on how far I have come, I realized that  I've been creating my life all along.  And as I continue to check the boxes off of my list of things I want to do, I anticipate being able to check off all of those boxes, because it is already mine.

Life does not begin when you get to where ever you think you may want to go, life is right now.  Each day is a day to create and believe in what you didn't yesterday.   Everything I have right now came from a thought, a thought from nothing created something.  You can not just think about what you want to do, you have to believe you can do it and make the proper moves towards that.   You can have and be anything you want to be and do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

Some of my favorite affirmations are:

I AM worthy of a luxurious life.
I have everything I need.
I AM a success.
I AM divine.

I'll let you in on a little secret on one of the ways I tell fake people from real people.  Fake people use words that real people do not.  Fake people use certain words because their vocabulary is limited.  And I always pick up on those words.  After a certain period of time, you start to see fake people for who they really are because their vocabulary has run out.  They no longer have the words and the actions to keep up the visage.   Just pay attention, they will start acting out, especially if they are not getting the reaction from you that they want.  That's how I always know who they are and they can not always hide because they innately feel the need to reveal themselves and if you listen, you will hear them and know their intentions.  They are completely controlled by ego and if you know how the ego works, you know that eventually, they will dangle the fact that they may have gotten away with something in your face, or that they know something that you do not.  Let them, that's how they reveal themselves and seal their fate. And all you have to do is wait.

Another powerful way words are used is when words are synced with music.  Half of ya'll don't even know the lyrics to some of your favorite songs, but how many times have you been feeling down over a heartbreak? I am sure, "Don't Break My Heart...say you love me again... " by Toni Braxton has been played a million times.  Or if you had a bad day or a problem you could not figure out and you put on some music and the words along with the sound of the music helped you figure it all out?  Your mind was no longer on your problems because these words have taken you on a trip and the music is the navigator.  You have allowed your mind to drift off and create another feeling.  Adele has definitely done it again, got us all in our feels,  "Go Easy On Me Baby, I was still a child... " And if that wasn't the song you wanted to hear or the kind of music that would put you in the mood that you were looking for, you would change the frequency to something that would lift your mood.   I mean, you can only listen to so many sad love songs before you want to put on something that lifts your mood and make you feel a little bit more like yourself again.  UP by Cardi B. does that for me every single time.

It is an amazing feeling to be able to open yourself up and allow yourself to be transformed by music and words.   You allow it to change your mood into something that makes you feel better than before.  Use your words to orchestrate and change your life.  Speak life into all areas of your existence.   If the music they're playing does not make you feel good, change the frequency.  Change the frequency to something that your soul can relate to. Use your words to heal and to command power over your life.  It is your life.

Peace & Love


Friday, January 7, 2022

Watch Your Words


Happy Friday!!  

When you were a child, did your mother ever tell you to watch your words?   Words are very powerful.  They emit a sound and create a command all at the sound of your voice.  Words can make you smile.  They can create emotions and stir feelings that can either cause chaos or create heaven. Words can hurt you or make you feel invincible.  Words can help you to envision things and go places that you've never been or seen.  

Imagine, you are here with me right now and we are lying on the beach in the Cayman Islands. Far away from people, jobs, family, all your worries are gone and all your needs are met.  Everything just feels so incredible. We toast our drinks in the air because we are living the dream, except it's not a dream.   And that's how simple it is for words to take you anywhere.  One of the reasons why I write books is because I have so many words, characters in my head and it is a release and almost feels like a cleanse when you are able to put it all into words.  When I write, you are reading my words and I am seeing my words and it all feels magical.   It's alchemy, pen to paper, thoughts on paper, words brought to life.  Writers, can you relate?

Have you ever experienced the power of your words over your life?  Your words, the words that come out of your mouth can be a blessing or a curse.  Many years ago, I used to eat McDonald's, like every now and again, I would eat a big mac.  I do not know what it was, but I would crave a big mac at least around two or three times a year.  I've never been a person to eat a lot of fast food, but when you are heading home, kids are at home and the last thing you want to do is cook. You want something quick and on the way, that's what you do, you go to the nearest fast-food joints because they are everywhere, and that's that.  Well, this particular time, I was craving this big mac, and right before I ordered it, I said, "This big mac is going to make me sick." I had never said or felt that way before, and I am not sure why I said it at that moment, but as soon as I ate that big mac, it made me sick.  I was sicker than sick.  My stomach was hurting. I was sweating and feeling dizzy. I thought I was going to faint or die something.   Those words manifested like a motherfucker!  I never ate another big mac again and not only that, I never craved one either.

Words have power.  Speak life into your existence.  What do you really want?  Is it something that you believe you deserve?  Speak it into your life.   When you have an awareness of the words you use, you create a more intentional life.  You are not just floating on a flotation device, wondering around meaninglessly waiting for instructions on how to live your life, are you?  Actively participate in your life, because it is all yours.  Combine your thoughts (see it believe it feel it) with your words (claim it, it's already yours). Followed by action(get certified, educate yourself, work out). Do your part to create the life you want and the rest will come to join you.   Do not let anyone take you off your game, change your focus or be a distraction.  Imagine the life you want all the way down to the color of the tile on your floor.  To the exact amount in your bank account.  Design your life, say it out loud and watch what unfolds. 

Peace & Love


Thursday, January 6, 2022

Love Me or Love Me Not

Love Me Or Love me Not

I love you more each day and you are the only thing I desire
Love Me or Love Me Not
To wake up every day to you is a dream, I never knew that I could love you like this
Love Me or Love Me Not
When making love the ocean moves to the rhythm of our bodies and I lose myself. I will drown in your love, so please, don't save me.
Love Me or Love Me Not
We meet before, at a different time at a different place, but you had to go. Right now is the time, give it to me until I can't take any more
Love Me or Love Me Not
In love and married, my dream realized.
Love Me or Love Me Not  
Seven years in and the tides began to turn. 
Love Me or Love Me Not
You now greet me with, "Where are the kids, pick up the kids, no it s your turn."
Love Me Or Love Me Not
I missed you today, your eyes were not the same.
Love Me or Love Me Not
You no longer pick up the phone on the first ring.
Love Me or Love Me Not
I cooked, cleaned, and did everything.
Love Me or Love Me Not
Days go by and we haven't even touched.
Love Me or Love Me Not
Why change, when I love you so much.
Love Me or Love Me Not
Could this be the end of this destiny affair?
Love Me or Love Me Not
Go on my love, do as you will
Love Me or Love Me Not
I will never forget how you made me feel
Love Me or Love Me Not


Sunday, January 2, 2022

Sunday Rant: Goodbye!


2021 has finally wrapped up and I must admit, it got a little crazy for a little while, you know what I mean?  Some people lost their damn minds and were feeling the wrong part of themselves. There were some wild realizations that may have happened in your life, I know there were some that happened in mine. There are some people I will never think the same about, and I am sure they don't think the same about me either.  There are some people, I'll never talk to again and I am ok with that.  You have to be ok with the changes that are taking place, hold on to what's necessary, ONLY! Let go of everything else.  Why hold on to emptiness?

Anyway, here is my list of the things that I said goodbye to.  And they were not any real hard goodbyes because the process started years ago.  Let's see here. And maybe you will find we have some of the same things on the list.  We are moving towards something greater than we are right now. not just as individuals but as a whole.  If you are not on that particular train, then goodbye to you too.

I said goodbye to being nice to people who do not deserve it.  
Goodbye to fake friends, fake people, fake family, fake jobs, fake asses, fake realities. Let's get used to the real. Relearn what that feels like.
Goodbye to what you think.  I could care less, especially if you are not open enough to accept your own mind, leave mine alone. 
Goodbye to whomever you thought I was.  
Goodbye to believing "whatever you say" I am checking facts, and running background checks.
Goodbye to playing it safe and caring about your feelings. 
Goodbye to the reason why you never showed up, too late now, you have officially missed the bus.
Goodbye to living the lie and making this reality a dream
Goodbye to  pretending as if we are happy in our relationships and marriages
Goodbye to just gettin' by, it's time to claim your power
Goodbye to people who won't seek help for their mental problems, you'll have to face it alone now.
Goodbye to letting things slide, call people out on their shit.
Goodbye to just letting you decide, it's my body.
Goodbye to your opinion, I mean, who asked for it anyway?
Goodbye to all the bullshit you were taught to believe, just imagine if Jesus wasn't coming.
Goodbye to thinking, doing, acting, and being the same 'ole way.  Welcome, change, it's the best antidote to your solemn life.
Goodbye to those who do not live in their truth and judge those who do. BYE!
Goodbye to those who think they had more power over my life than me, you'll see the results.
Goodbye to big dicks with small minds, we need those two to match
Goodbye to giving your vagina to dicks who can not fill them up, I am just sayin'
Goodbye to settling for what you do not want
Goodbye to guys who are in love with their mother, I think you guys should date, who would know the difference?
Goodbye to even acknowledging a hater, they always know who they are
Goodbye to those noisy ass people, that try to be all in your business. All you're going to find over here is the reason why you should mind your business.

Goodbye, Good riddance, and Hello WORLD, it's me again.

PeAce & LoVe



As some of you may know all of my social media accounts have been hacked. If you receive text or calls from my phone or email it not have be...