Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Stay Up!

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Greetings, Beautiful people, how are you on this beautiful Wednesday?

It is raining outside. It is very cold and it's so beautiful. I love getting up in the morning. It has been very very cold.  The weather is changing. Coffee, this morning is on deck.  I am not drinking tea today.  I have actually been doing tea for the last few days. Tea, honey, garlic, or cloves, and all that good stuff. But, this morning I am having coffee because I need a little pick me up.  

I slept very well last night. Very deep.  Have you ever had one of those deep sleeps that you wake up and you stretch and... I don't want to get out of bed?  So I didn't. That's where I am recording, right now, in my bed. So thank you...for joining me.

Today, I want to encourage you guys to Stay Up. Whatever keeps you up, gravitate towards that. Now I know that we are in a transition of times and for some, it may be very difficult. But it's ok.  The birthing process is very difficult. A man can only imagine for those of you mothers who have birth children into this world, you know the process can be painful. But the end result is something beautiful.  A creation that is part of you.  So it's an amazing thing that's happening right now to the collective, so hold on.

These are things that have worked for me to get me through some of my hardest days. It hasn't always been rose petals and sunshine. I've had difficult days. But I've also have learned to change my mind about what I believe difficult is.  Because it's all about perception. It's all about your perception, and that is one of the main things that help create your reality.  Throughout all of this, these are things that have helped me.  These are things that I do and I hope that they help you too.  If there are things that you already have in place already, share them with somebody, that's all I am doing. 

 I am not looking to change your mind about what you believe, and I hope that you are not looking to change mine. What we all should be trying to accomplish and what I am trying to accomplish is, I want to understand our differences, and in that understanding find common ground. Ok, that was a little bit off the subject. But yeah, this is what I am talking about.  We all go through things, but we have to be open to each other to realize how much we have in common.  Our differences are what we have in common. So don't take any of this shit too seriously.  Enjoy the ride.  Enjoy the journey. Enjoy each moment of your life. Because once you find out what it really is, once you find out how you can navigate through his existence flawlessly, it all becomes quite simple.  This neverending maze of life,  don't try to figure it all out. Trust yourself.  Trust in the process, because we can't always have a plan.  You can't always be prepared for life, because it's always happening. 

So on those hard days, give yourself a break. Take time out and appreciate the moment that you're in.  Know that something needed to change, whether you are aware of it or not. Maybe there was a spark that needed to happen. Appreciate those lessons.  They help us grow. Ya, know? But anyway. Here are three of the main ways, I Stay Up!

Peace & Love


For my VIP Patreon members, Click the link below to hear the three ways that I Stay Up when I am feeling down.  If you are not a member, what are you waiting for?

PhotoCredit:  Stay Up by Lonely In the Rain-Amazon Music

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