Saturday, December 11, 2021

Happy Saturday!

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I really do not have any  particular thing to say,  or any specific topic to talk about this morning.  I am in a great mood.  I am drinking my ginger tea, with honey and a few cloves.  I feel good. It's about 4:30 a.m, and I wanted to share some of my mood with you.  

It is getting very cold, the weather is changing to accommodate the new season.  It will be raining and snowing heavily where I am beginning, I think on Sunday.  I am pretty excited.  I will be cooking comfort food, staying inside while all this change in the atmosphere takes place.  I will also be writing and recording.  I will definitely be in my space.

What will you be doing this weekend?  Is it cold where you are? Is the weather changing? This is great weather for making love, cuddling. This is considered cuffing season, right?  People actually do get into relationships for the season, and for the season only.  I am sure most of us are past that stage in our lives, but for some people, it's a lifestyle.  Don't get caught out there, falling in love for the season, and be single again when Valentine's Day roll around.  

I usually go to Walmart between 6 a.m and 7.  I prefer to shop early,  there is less contact with people, no lines and I can take my time and actually shop for a few things.  Well, this particular time, when I got there (And I never go to Walmart on a Friday either).  I went around 2:30 in the afternoon and this man followed me all around the store. I even did a small test, because sometimes, I love testing people.  (Don't judge me!) I did a small test to see if he would follow me to the bra section and he passed the lane up, but as soon as I turned the corner there he was, standing there waiting for me to say Hi, or something, I don't know.  Maybe it was a coincidence, but based on how he was staring at me, I felt as if he was following me.  Sometimes when people stare at me for over a minute, I stare back and say, hi or something, ya know, to break the stare. But sometimes people will stare and they won't even say anything, and that shit creeps me out. Have you ever had a complete stranger just stare at you and not even blink? 

Anyway, is it starting to feel like Christmas?  To me, it feels really weird and different. I can't quite put my finger on it.  I am happy and content, but I felt the same way in July, so it being the holiday season, just feels different to me.  Anyone else?  I am sure it's because of all the changes taking place known and unknown, There is a lot going on in the world and in our lives. My advice, just ride the wave.  Keep your head on straight and take care of your mind and heart. One thing is for sure, it will all change. Everything is changing and it's for the better because it's time.  You have to believe that a better day is right now.  Collectively, we can make the biggest changes, tackle the most difficult barriers. Together, we have the most power.  These old systems, paradigms, and old ways of thinking and existing are changing.  So, are you ready?  Are you ready?

It kind of reminds me of a song that I love, by a person that I love and admire, Prince.

Peace and Love, Lavidus

Prince- Let's Go Crazy! 

Dearly beloved

We are gathered here today to get through this thing called life
Electric word, life
It means forever and that's a mighty long time
But I'm here to tell you there's something else
The afterworld
A world of never-ending happiness
You can always see the sun
Day or night

So when you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills
You know the one, "Dr. Everything'll-be-alright"
Instead of asking him how much of your time is left
Ask him how much of your mind, baby
'Cause in this life things are much harder than in the afterworld
In this life, you're on your own

And if the elevator tries to bring you down
Go crazy, punch a higher floor

Peace & Love


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