Have you ever been in love?
Have you ever felt love so strong that it stirs your soul so deep, it keeps you wanting more? Have you ever given in to the desire to be loved only to find yourself in the arms of love? Holding you close, keeping you warm. Whispering, I love you's in the middle of the night; starring at you while you sleep, yes, that kind of love.
The kind of love that you feel long after his physical presence has left the room. His touch lingering on your skin, his kiss stamped all over your body. Giving yourself completely without a second thought. Have you ever felt that? A presence of love so strong that you consider it your armor. Protecting you against those who have never experienced such love. Waving my hand, and wishing you the best because I really hope you feel it one day.
Thinking of him, the phone rings, and it's him. Completing your thoughts, satisfying your every need without having to ask, because he has been paying attention. Comfort in the time of storms. Every day is a breeze because of your love. Nothing even matters because of you, I am free. Free to dive deep in your ocean of love. It is you. The perfect example of love, thankful that you shared it with me, unselfishly. No one could ever fool me to believe that love is not real. Even in its fakest form, it still feels just as real. Love yourself enough to know the difference.
Being in love is knowing that love is the only real thing. Once you feel love, there is nothing that can replace or compare to that feeling. It's magical, sacred and transformative. Everybody needs love, the lack of it brings out the pettiness of those who vibrate low. Send them love. Never compromise your love for the comfort of someone else. Do not abuse your love, you will lose it and forever be looking for it again. If you have ever been in love you know that love is to be shared, honored, and handled in the most gentle of ways. Be the love you desire.
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