Sunday, December 1, 2019

2019....The Set-Up!

The last time I wrote on the blog was July 20th. The subject was Karma. I am sure some of you if not most of you have either felt or received your karma. Good or bad it comes to serve you what you truly deserve.  But this post isn’t about you, it’s all about me.

2019 was a tough year for me. There was a lot of unexpected changes, loss of jobs, then gaining a job, moves and a lot of letting go of things and people that no longer serve my highest good. I was tested and talked about. Misunderstood and dismissed. Yes, that was my year. But as December has rolled in, I am more of a woman than I’ve ever been. I have developed a love for myself so strong that even if you thought you knew me then, you definitely don’t know me now. I am unbreakable, spiritually grounded and free.

2019 was the set-up. I was being set-up to receive love, abundance in all areas of my life.  I was being set-up to be built up and now I am here. I will receive all the things I deserve, the things that will manifest into my life will be greater than even I could ever imagined.  The people and opportunities that come my way will be greater than those that have left. I am excited and grateful that I did not give up. Each month has given me something to look forward to and December is no different.   I have to tell you that yes, I realize that there are people who hate my resilience, people who do not understand my poise through adversity.  Please understand that  I am the Empress, a Devine being, infinite in structure.  My skin can stand the heat. I am the creator, my thoughts can give life and destroy.  I am connected and tapped in.

So I must give thanks to all those who told me no, you made me figure out another way. To all you naysayers, you get to watch my glow.  You will reevaluate your thoughts about me and wish you went about it differently.  But for me, it was the you, I needed to see. I am love, I am great, I am Devine. And before you decide to come at me with that bullshit, I am only responding to love.

Peace and Whatever Makes You Happy! ❤️❤️💯

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Hate You Give..Comes back to Visit You

"They smile in your face when all the while they want to take your place, Backstabbers."  They say you are not on your way until you have haters.  The cowards of the universe.  Sometimes I have to laugh when a person decides to be deceitful.  When trying to play me, you play yourself.  I used to feel sorry for people who never reach their full potential but hate on the fact that you are reaching yours.  But I have also come to terms with the fact that there are a lot of people faking their lives, and going with the misery flow, so they no longer get any compassion from me.  They hate themselves.   So don't ever take it personally and wish them well.

There is a serious divide happening on the earth at this moment.  The people who have fallen for "societies" way of living are finding out that that life s not all it's cracked up to be and they are hating on the people who know themselves and is experiencing true freedom.  The snakes come out, I mean how else can they survive and feel better about themselves but by projecting their lives on the most accessible target.   However, in the midst of this, there is one thing you should know.  Time is circular, it all comes back around.  It all comes out.  A fake can only be fake for so long.  A hater can only hate for so long.  The fact that you have absolutely no love for yourself or others can only last for so long before it all hits the fan.  Your fan that is.

So if the love is gone from your marriage and you are still together just to save face, that too will end.  If you've been abusive and thinking that another piece of jewelry or bigger house will erase the fatalistic being you are, she won't fall for it this time.  If you have a history of being a child molester or pedophile, that too will be revealed.  If you have been spreading lies, and trying to sabotage someone else's blessings, you will suffer the bigger loss.  Your drug habit, your insecurities, your backward thinking will all be properly placed on the karma wheel. Karma comes in to create balance and give you more of what you send out. But it first has to remove people, things and habits that are no longer aligned with who you are.  Let it all fall and let them all go.  They'll have their own fate to deal with. I promise you, your life will be a hundred times greater. The truth can only be hidden for so long.  It's like the full moon that rises with strong emotions only to tear down any falsehood or unfair acts.  It comes to strictly end a cycle and to bring justice to us all.

So if you feel that life is unfair, soon balance will be created.  If you think things will never change, the change is happening right now.  If you believe in who you are and what you bring to this world, then stay the course.   Good or bad, we all get what we deserve.  All those who are jealous,  those who didn't wish you the best and those secretly wishing they were you, will all get to watch your success; and believe me they are watching,

All Love

Twitter: @LLWriter
Instagram: llwaltonauthor


Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Enemy Within

Do you really have enemies or is the real enemy within?

Is your adversary really someone who dislikes you or is it someone who is just a reflection of your shadow side?  What I mean by shadow side is the side that you do not show.  The side that may need healing.   The side that may lead people to believe that you are not a good person, or that you are weird or even devilish. 

Your enemy,  if that is truly a real thing, just might be able to show you something about yourself if you look a little closer.   A person can become an enemy without even knowing it.  There are some situations that have manifested itself into your life because that is the way it has always been.  And since you are more interested in being a part of something and not seeing it for what it really is, the cycle continues.  If you were to break the cycle you will become an enemy of the enemy.  A person can become an enemy if they do things that are against a person's free will, impede them in some way or take something that was not willfully given.  However you gain your title, in order to become an enemy, you have to be recognized as one.

From the Montagues and Capulets to the Jones and Williams, born into the enemy cycle. Born into a family and taught to dislike another family for whatever reason.  The cycles will continue without ever getting to the core of the matter.  Sometimes your enemy will be the first one to see your light.  They will envy you based on the fact that they cannot and will not ever be you, so ways are created to dim your light, distract you off your path and make you look like the enemy. Your enemy already knows you,  that's why we rarely are deceived by people we don't know.

 You have the power to choose how you want to navigate your way through this life.  You decide who the people are in your life, so if you decide to keep an enemy around, do it with intent.   There is truth in the saying, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."  An enemy will always reveal things to you that a friend won't.  Having an enemy along the way is not all bad, just change your perspective and be willing to see people for who they are and the roles they play and use it to your advantage.

Peace & Love

Twitter: @LLWriter
Instagram:  llwaltonauthor

Click the play button above to hear this Blog

Photo credit: Know Your Enemy Pt 1 (a2 Church)

Friday, May 31, 2019

Keep Going.....

On the road to greatness, on the road to your new beginning, on the road to success, you will come across and face many obstacles.   But let adversity be your guide.  Let it mold you.  Do not resist the changes that are ahead because if you do not go with this magnetic flow, this change that is festering within in, you can not welcome the new you.  Your new chapter will not begin until you are ready to accept and let go.

It is ok to rest and re-evaluate and change what is not working.  But don't you dare stop.  You can revise your plan, change your goals or even make a few mistakes, but do not let that discourage you.  The world needs your voice.  There is no one else like you that do what you do.  There is no one who can do it quite like you, so keep going.   The pain of being a rose with thorns does not stop those buds from blooming into a beautiful red rose.  The transition must take place in order for you to welcome the next stage of your life.

I remember a time when it seemed like everything was going wrong.  I couldn't seem to figure it all out.  I had to stop and realize that it is not my job to figure it all out.  It is not my job to always have it all together.  I don't always have to have all the right answers.  I decided to relax into my being, focus on what I desire, believe that I deserve it and watch it unfold.  I will be the first to say that it is not an easy task to give up the elusive nature of "control".   You must be willing to surrender.   You must be able to look inside yourself and take a moment to really see who you really are.  Who are you?  What is your purpose?  Adversity, obstacles, downfalls are all the things that help you to develop the best you.  You do not learn your greatest lessons by always knowing what to do.  You learn by not knowing and being willing to take a chance to find out.  You are the conductor, the creator, the influencer, the magician, so make it happen.

Peace & Love

Twitter:  @llwriter
Instagram:  llwaltonauthor
podcast:   (Click the play button to listen to this post)

Photo Credit: PNG Mart

Sunday, May 19, 2019

I Choose Me.....

When I hear some women say, "I signed up for this" or  'I knew what I was getting into."  What exactly does that mean?  Is that your way of accepting any kind of treatment in a marriage or relationship because you have grown to know that person?  And since you have been with them for so long, you have learned to accept and condone their bullshit?  Correct me if I am wrong, I am seeking understanding. 

I've seen a lot of women, do a lot of things for the sake of marriage.  For the sake of marriage.  Not for love, not for self-respect, not even for the sake of their children; but for the constitution of marriage.  She will endure a miserable life because the other option would be how she would look to other people if her marriage failed.  Saving face is more important than making the decision to live your best life.

Many women endure horrible marriages because of what it looks like to other people.  They bear and grin it when their husbands have outside children,  concubines, or even when he has shown you the highest level of disrespect> You hold on because that is your husband. That ring and contract say that you have to stay, or does it? Are you happy with your contract?  Are you fulfilled and supported?  Is he fulfilling his end of the contract?  Or since you know him, you know he won't completely fulfill all your needs and that you'll probably never be completely happy, so it's enough to get by.   There is a level of comfort and complacency that develops and becomes the norm.  The real problems get pushed under the rug and the perception of how things are becomes what is real.

Sometimes you have to be strong enough to choose you. Which is what I did once my husband decided to abuse me.  All it took was one hit.  My strength to leave came from the fact that I had seen my mother get abused; for eight years she stayed.  So imagine what I learned about abusive relationships?  Sorry, doesn't mean it will stop, a gift doesn't mean it will stop, money doesn't mean it will stop.  So it was a no-brainer to leave and get my marriage annulled after one hit.  I choose me. And I will continue to, until the day I die.  Not all abuse is physical, words can be deadly, neglect can be deadly,

Choose you just on the strength of wanting to be the best you.  Choose you based on the fact that you deserve the best of everything. Choose you so, your daughters can see you being strong. Choose you so that your sons, know how to treat a woman.  Choose you selfishly, how else can you give to the world?  How else can you become strong and deal with all the battles we must face.  You have to know yourself and give to yourself.  Be kind and gentle with yourself.  We become nothing to ourselves when we give so much to outside things.  We never get to know who we are because the face we show to the world, is not the face we see in the mirror.   Learn to choose you, you will feel so much better being a mom, being a wife, a sister, being husband, being a brother, being a man; but most of all for being completely unapologetically you.

Peace & Love

Twitter:  @LLWriter
Instagram: llwaltonauthor

Photo credit:  The Carra House

Monday, April 29, 2019

Change......Can You Handle It?

They say that change is inevitable, so why do so many people resist it?  They say that people have the most difficult time changing because of the unknown.  Even if that unknown is something that they asked for.  How many of you are prepared for something new, but are not prepared to change in order to get it?  That's the bridge that connects the successful and the unsuccessful.  You have to change in order to gain your reward.   Your thoughts determine how you exist.

You have to be able to change and adapt to each new version of you.  You can't navigate through life on the same gas you had at 15 or 25 or 35, you are required to change and hopefully upgrade your thoughts.  Do you know what happens when you do not change?  The universe, life, God sends you events, people, and things to help you change; to help you to see.  Life can sometimes rattle your cage; demands you to get out of your box, in order to help you find the best version of yourself.  There are some people who appear to never change or at least never change in ways that we can always see, but it does happen. People can change physically, mentally and spiritually.  We are not just talking about a change of action, but a change of thought which is the greatest action you can make.  Your thought initiates whatever change you want to make.  Your thoughts can take you there and prepare you for what is to be.

So don't be afraid of change, take that leap!  Don't be afraid to venture into the unknown, there is where you will find your true self. The self you have yet to show the world.  A woman can change her mind a million times a day, and each time she does, it will always be the right decision.  Choose your destiny, accept what is already your's.  Each step you have taken has led you to this moment, the taste of victory is oh so sweet. Savor who you are, know what you are, live the life that you so meticulously designed.  Change in order to grasp the full metamorphosis of your amazing, complicated and flawed being.

Love & You

If you want to listen to this blog post, click the podbean "play" button above and enjoy!

Twitter: @LLWriter
Instagram: llwaltonauthor

Photo Credit:  Unlocking the Immunity to change: A New Approach To Personal Improvements

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

What Do you Really Want?

What do you really want?  Do you really know what you want?  Do you want a better life? A better husband or wife? A better job? Or situation?  To be a better woman or man? To fly or stand still? More money or specific destination? What do you really want?

How much time have you taken to find out what you really want? Are you taking just whatever is given, or are you making intentional decisions that will ultimately lead you to your desired destination?  What is it?  I can not tell you how many times I thought I knew what I wanted only to find out that I wanted something else. The changes can be stifling, but you are the captain of your undecisive ship, so keep it at bay or make a decision.  What do you want?

Some people go through life unsure about what they are, so they become the victims of someone else's thoughts.  They do what someone else wants them to, they talk like someone else wants them to, and they walk like someone else wants them to. Unable to formulate a thought on their own, so it is given to them.  Imagine that.  You thoughts can be given to you. SO Think!

What do you really want? Because that is what you can really have.  Make sure that the decision is yours, the mistake is your's to make, so make it a good one.  Look past judgments and indecision, this time will be yours, just jump and feel where you land.  Imagine the greatest you and walk in that vibration,  become that is what you already are.

Presently Loving On You

To listen to this blog post, click the above podbean "Play" button. Enjoy!

Photo Credit: BBC

Thursday, April 4, 2019

When the Love is Gone

What happens when the love is gone and your heart is still left beating.  How do you let go of someone that you have already let go? How long before the official break takes place?  Do we remain friends or is this really the end?  There is no easy way to let someone know that you are no longer in love with them. It's not easy letting go the part of yourself that is no longer serving you.   However, the sooner you do it, the better you both will be.

Staying in a relationship that is really already over is a different kind of abuse.  You know it's over, but you hang on for reasons that you can not explain or justify.  That's when real love transitions to a real lie and the unnatural start to feel natural.  Months, years or days ago you would have never settled for such a situation; but, time and complacency has allowed you to relax into someone that is no longer you.  Let it go.  If you are holding on to someone for beneficial reasons and it has nothing to do with love or the lack of, then you are sealing your fate.  Intentions set the tone for your future.  Good or bad, you control that future.

Sometimes growth is painful, but stagnation is deadly.  Peeling away that old skin, that old way of thinking so the new you can emerge is detrimental.  Experience the pain of letting go.  There is something that is requiring you to learn this lesson so the new you can recognize what you didn't before.  It will be ok.  Everything is happening so that you can get to the best you.  Don't ignore the opportunity to grow.  You will only repeat the lesson.

Learn & Grow

twitter:  @LLWriter
Instagram:  llwaltonauthor

Photo Credit:   Silvio Toloza

Friday, March 29, 2019

Don't Wait On Heaven

Have you ever heard the saying, everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die to get there?  Heaven on earth.  Stairway to Heaven.  Heaven can wait, but can it?  What if you can have everything you desire right here on earth.  What if you found out that your mind is the magic wand and anything that you could think of, you could have. And here's the catch, all you have to do is have the sincere belief that you deserve it and it is yours.  
So, why wait on heaven when you can have it right now.  As above, so below, right?  Imagine waking up every day living the most amazing life ever.  A life that you could only imagine.  Imagine it!  And the universe will supply.  Have you ever walked along the coast and the ocean never seems to end? That is heaven.  Holding the hand of your lover, knowing that there is nothing in the world that could break you apart. That is heaven. Making love under the stars, when the moon is your only light.  Heaven can watch. It's time to be so filled with love that you will draw in all that you desire.  A lot of you folks won't make it to heaven cause you're too busy waiting on it when you should be creating it.  You are it.  You are the star the shines so bright.  

So why wait on heaven, when you can have it right now?  Your perception of life determines how you navigate it. Even the darkest of days eventually brings light.  Spread your love, share your love and if it's not real love,  keep your love.  Savor the flowers of life, taste the magic of love. Transform your life into whatever you want it to be.  The time is now.

Love & Darkness

TwitterL @LLWriter
Instagram: llwaltonauthor

Photo Credit: LePuy Inn

Monday, March 25, 2019

I Love You, Baby ( A Poem)

I Love you, baby.
Like the moon loves the sun
Both aware of their power, but they never outshine each other
That's Us.

I Love you, baby
I love you like chocolate cake.
A Perfect icing on top with all the right ingredients, to keep me honest
and giving you all I got

I Love you, baby
Deeper than Romeo &Julier or Cleopatra and Antony
This love is real
Strong like the wind
Fluid like water
My right brain to your left
We create a necessary balance for success

Yes, I Love you, baby
For us, there is no end to our beginning
It was written by the stars
Connected with no strings
Bonded with no wings
I Love you, baby

Twitter: @LLWriter
Instagram:  llwaltonauthor

Photo credit: Shutterstock

Friday, March 15, 2019

Sister Wives, Brother Husbands, Anyone?

Have you noticed the influx of polyamorous and polygamous relationships?  What happened to monogamy?  Will it be a thing of the past?  Are we headed in the direction of free love and acceptance?  I mean who do you really belong to anyway?  How effective has your marriage been in keeping your husband or wife from straying?  How many of you will be open enough to share your love?

We are in the midst of while repeating this particular realm of life.  We are being pushed into experiencing the highest level of love which is acceptance of others and self.  This inclusive nature does not allow you to use differences, preferences, race, religion or beliefs to interfere with your decision on who to love.  You will be required to love everyone like you are required to love yourself.  So, are you ready?

Are you willing to change everything you were taught to believe to be open to a love that you share but there is no lack?  There is the understanding that Jack might want Mary on Tuesday and Jill on Friday.  And Jill might want Michael on Saturday and Willie on Wednesday, and among you all there is the understanding that you will love and support each other as if you were the only one.   One of the reasons people get divorced is because of cheating, will this be something that lowers the divorce rate?

For me, I already have the key.  For those who don't, it might be necessary.  Maybe this would have worked for me when I was young and didn't care what or who he did.  Maybe this is something that could work if I did not want to make magic with the other side of me.  For those that it does work for, I commend you.  I guess if my state of mind supported that idea, it would be easy to share a man who I didn't think was mine anyway.  Or just have a man where we just only had moments of pleasure or something like that.  I don't know, but for me, diving into the abyss with that one will be the ultimate pleasure for us both. No need for extras to be involved.

Love Heights Take Flight

Twitter: @LLWriter
Instagram:  llwaltonauthor

Photo credit:  Atlantis

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Loving Mr. Wrong

He comes into your life like a warm breeze, giving you all the attention that you've been missing.  His charm is undeniable, not like the other guys.  And after listening to you talk about all your man troubles, he pretends to be the complete opposite.  He has zoned in and listened to everything you have said and now he will use it all against you.

You don't notice at first, blinded.  He was pretending to be in love, pretended to care, pretended to give a single fuck about your feelings.  I didn't know the living dead existed until I meet you.  It felt so real how could anyone have known the difference?  But that was his M.O.  He was a professional and you were the mark.  Now you are in love and its impossible for you to see clearly.   You can't do anything right.  Yet, when he asks you to borrow money to buy you a gift you fork it over, with a smile.  Anything to see him happy. Anything to get that high that seemed so promising in the beginning.  When he returns with nothing, you realize the money was for his date with the next one. You argue and fight and it becomes his reason for cheating when in fact he has already moved on to his next mark.  Once you stop falling for his bullshit, believing the lies and expecting an explanation for his disappearances, you are no longer the Queen he said you were.   You become the enemy.  It's time for him to move on to the next one, while you are left in a frenzy, trying to figure out what went wrong.

There is nothing that went wrong.  Everything that happened had to happen in order for you to move on to greater things and for him to receive his karma.   When we are not loving ourselves the way we should, the universe has a way of sending people into our lives to help check ourselves and wake us up.  These people can come in different forms and in different ways, but the message will always be about you.  Some people will accept that low vibrational love and wonder why they are not happy or wonder why they keep getting the same shit over and over again in relationships. You have to change and become a better woman or man to get better.  You have to exude so much love for yourself, that anything that is not aligned with you, will fall back and you won't even have to know about it.  They'll just disappear.  There are people in relationships and marriages that they don't even like. There are people feeling stuck in their relationship, with no movement, just misery.  So be thankful for a heartbreak, be thankful things didn't work out, be thankful you had the courage to leave because on the other side of that heartache is real love.   A life so beautiful that you could not have imagined it.  The love you have for yourself will always be reflected back to you, so go get the love you deserve.

Loving On You

Twitter: @LLWriter
Instagram: llwaltonauthor
anchor radio:

Phtot Credit: Wattpad, JanaXDD

Friday, March 1, 2019

Love on the Run...or Nah

You're dating like a maniac, looking for "the one."  You've been single for so long that a real connection with someone seems like a thing of the past.   So you do what I call surface dating.  It's just enough to keep you interested, but not enough to commit.   You don't want to get too deep because the last one broke your heart, so you spend time with someone for the sake of sex or just company.  But you know that you have no real future, so you don't get your emotions involved.  You have to control the situation because God knows you do not want to fall in love with the wrong person, right?

Stop the madness!  And realize that you do deserve love.  It is not something to be feared or chased.  Those guards were placed up after the storm so I get it.  But, you have to love on yourself enough to know when it's safe to allow someone to love you too.  The energy you create when you try to protect yourself from the thing you want the most will only give you more of what you are running from.  Every image you meet will only be surface and a reminder of how much farther you have to go for internal bliss.  Imagine the love you want, feel their presence and believer that you deserve the best possible love.

And be warned, there is no faking energy.  It is fluid and whatever you put out it will come back, so keep it honest. Take a real inventory of your heart and where it has been and what you have allowed in your life.  Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome, is a sign of a psychopath, are you feeling crazy yet?  The lessons that you refuse to learn will come back in different forms with different faces, only to help you grow.   So the next time you feel yourself being vulnerable, the next time that you feel yourself losing control, let it happen.  Choose to grow.  Choose yourself.  Choose Love.

Peace & Love

Twitter: @ LLWriter
Instagram:  llwaltonauthor

Photo credit: Love on the Run Catering

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

How Deep Can You Go?

If you can't go deep in your thought process, then you can't go deep in me.
If you can't go deep in your thought process, then you can't go deep in me.

I want to be mentally stimulated, feel me, embrace me, love me, hold me and never let go.
Cover me with your arms, let's combine our universe and see what we can create.  Come travel with me to a place with no time or space, just us. Riding the wave of ecstasy, and coming on sight.
Hold my hand, and kiss my lips, touch my skin, make me feel you and remember why we meet.

In order to live the ultimate life, you have to be mentally healthy, ready and open to receive all that you deserve.  Do not block your own success by harboring unhealthy relationships, unhealthy mindsets, and unhealthy bodies.  Break the generational curse of complacent identities and limiting belief systems. 

The time is yours like it has always been. Stop comparing yourself to others, there is no competition, the lane you create is yours alone.  Speak the language of love when you look at yourself in the mirror and know that you are worthy.  Learn to embrace all of you, do that so I and we can too.  No one can until you open the gate and shut the faucet off to those who try to interfere with your powerful stance.  Pay them no attention, they have no weight in determining your future, so stop giving your power away.

Love U Always

Follow Me: @LLWriter
Instagram: llwaltonauthor

Photo: Deep Thoughts-Mango Communications

Saturday, February 2, 2019


Hey, do you have time?

What time is it?
What time of day is it?
I ain't got time for that!

It has been often said that there's a time for everything.  The universe responds in divine timing and there is nothing for you to ever worry about.  Even if it what appears to be the wrong time, it's really the right time because what other time could it have happened?

Time is of the essence. Make good use of your time because you can never get it back.  At least not in the same way twice, or do you?  Have you ever experienced deja vu?  After meeting someone for the first time, you felt like you've met them before?  How many times have you made the same mistake over and over again?  Have you lived a previous life trying to make up for past mistakes this time around?  Maybe we do experience time more than once, coming back as something different each time only to forget what we were before. Who is on your timeline?

Time heals all wounds.  Although today the pain is making itself present, in time the pain will subside, the healing will take place, that wound will become a scar and that scar will become new skin.  When life or love leaves you with a scar, be like new skin.  Allow yourself to heal and come back stronger, fresher and new.

Everything happens in time. The universe always chooses the right time, it's called divine timing.  Have you ever wanted something or someone, but had to wait until the right time to get it?   The waiting is the testing of your patience.   The waiting determines how much you really want it.  Don't let time fool you and trick you into giving up, because it's taking too long.  Or lead you to believe that you don't deserve success because you do! Stay the course and believe in the magic of your imagination.  Don't ever think you don't have enough time, because time is an illusion.

Love In Time

My podcast:
instagram:  llwaltonauthor
Twitter: @LLWriter

Photo credit: Time Crystals-Science News

Saturday, January 26, 2019

My Broken Heart

A few years ago, there was nothing more painful than my broken heart.
A promise to love has been violated and there is no putting the pieces back together, or at least these pieces because now I have been transformed into something new.  Never to return to the woman I was.

You took all that I gave, and in return, you deceived me, took me for granted, lied, cheated with girls and boys and now you want to return? I think not, my love.  Your dagger was sweet. It entered my back as you hit it from the back, so the pain of it was unnoticed.

My eyes closed, but when they opened, I saw how my low self-esteem, allowed you to steamroll all over my heart.  How my amazing love would never change you.  I saw how tight my eyes were closed, with my heart wide open to your deception.  I only wanted to see the love in you, which was an illusion. It's amazing how the worse person can be seen with loving eyes from the lover.  I saw only the good in you because those were the moments I looked forward to, but you were bad from the start.  So it was a happy ending.

Today, you see a woman who knows what real love is.  A woman who is no longer impressed by words, but actions.  A woman who will never give up on love and being with a man who is in tune with self, because how you treat yourself will determine our future.  I am a woman who lives in the moment and wears her painful moments as growth and loving myself fiercely.   Never bitter, only love eludes from the soul of me, only to connect with the fire that is within you. This won't be no easy ride, but it will lift you to new heights. Calm your soul with a touch and solve all problems with a kiss.  Are you ready? Let's Go!

Loving Me Forever

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Know the Difference......

These days you have to know the difference.

Know the difference between a man who is just for right now and one who's forever.
The one that is forever will be like no one you have ever met, the one for right now will be just that.

Know the difference between a boy and a man
A man will try something new, a boy will try what has worked in the past.

Know the difference between a girl and a woman
A woman will look for a deeper connection, a girl will look for deeper pockets.

Know the difference between love and lust
Lust will leave you temporarily satisfied (if you're lucky),  love satisfies forever.

Know the difference between who you are and who you are not
Who you are not will have you pretending, who you are will have you winning.

Know the difference between who is  for you and those who are against you
Those who are against you admire you, those who are for you admire you.

Know the difference between " I want you" and "I want you".
One will deceive you and the other will relieve you of all your cares and worries

So as you maneuver through life, traveling through space and entering dimensions, make sure you know the difference.

Love & Flight

Thursday, January 10, 2019


Now that the new year has begun and all the new resolutions have been said if there is anything else that needs to be gotten rid of, do it now, wrap it up and say goodbye!  Do not carry old baggage, old relationships that cling around with no real meaning, old people that serve no real purpose, old news, old situations, over to the new year.  Just drop it all like it's hot and move into the new that's required of you.  The new you that will no longer let you sit and be less than magnificent.

I thought I had gotten rid of those old things, but like rashes, old things tend to sneak back into your life, only to remind you that this is old shit, so why bother?  I always think of it as the universe having a sense of humor, testing your growth per se.   But do not be fooled by the past, it comes back to take you back.  Continue to move forward and focus on your goals, and dreams and those that truly love you.  Leave no room for imposters, weak minds, or indecisive people. There is something that you want out there and whatever it is, wants you too.  It is how the universe conspires to give us what we desire.  Just believe and stay focused and ignore the rest.

We are at the end of the energy cycle where all new things begin, for some, if you have done the work.  Whether it's a new you, new job, new life, it all requires the same energy to change.  Be a part of the change that transcends you to new heights.  Face your fears, it's all apart of the growth cycle.  Do not let anyone detour you off what you intend on accomplishing.  Distractions, energy vampires all serve a purpose, we can learn something from them.  The next time you feel like going back to that toxic relationship, or stay at that toxic job or deal with those toxic people; tell them, thank you for the lessons, but  I've outgrown you and I can take it from here.  

Love, Light & Darkness

My podcast:
Twitter: @LLWriter
Instagram: llwaltonauthor

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Make Him Settle

I have been single for a few years.  It has been a time of growth, maturity and realizing my true worth as a woman.  I had the pleasure of being in love with and loved by a man who did nothing but show me that he loved me.  So when I run across men who expect me to court and pursue them, they usually just get a blank stare, blocked or used for something.

Although dating has had its perks, I still find myself meeting men who expect me to lower my standards to date them.  Never that.  You will have to understand my history in order to understand why I will never take fuckboys, self-centered jackasses or these certified players serious.   And what's worse than a young fuckboy, an old one.   When a woman decides to play with a man's emotions, she can do a hundred times more damage to the heart of a man, than he could ever do, so why play with it?

Often times when myself or any woman who is complete with herself and has her own,  often find ourselves settling for these half ass men offering crumbs.  It's a case of having a little bit of someone, then having a whole lot of no one. They come around to see how they can benefit from your light.  But don't get in the habit of accepting less than what you want in a man, have him meet your standards.  And if he can not, then let him settle for who and what he can get.  You are the real prize.  I guarantee, he will always come back around to try and test the waters, because when you are settling, the other one will never be enough.  Entertain him if you like, but make sure you send them back to whoever he came from.

I will always believe in love.  It's all around me and it will only take one moment that will solidify my desire for you.   Never settle for the first man that shows interest, date and be selective.  Enjoy the process of getting to know someone, because a lot of them have masks and hide their true intentions.  Take your time and never rush. If he comes rushing in, you put the brakes on and look him in his eyes and find out what he really wants.   Dating does not mean that you are having sex with every man that's interested in you, it just means that you have options and exploring the best man for you.

My podcast:
Twitter: @LLWriter
Instagram: llwaltonauthor

Love and Love Again!!

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Faking It 'til You Make It

Do you measure up to your own expectations?  It has been said that you can fool some of the people, some of the time, but not all the people, all of the time.  So what are you telling yourself in regards to your success?  Do you convince yourself into believing you are something you are not?  Are your thoughts about yourself in alignment with who you believe you are.  Are you living your best life or someone else's?

Think about it.  There are many who like to play pretend and that is ok.   As the aphorism goes, "Fake it until you make it", which means if you pretend you have confidence, and that you are rich and famous, you will soon realize those qualities in your life, right?  If you pretend like you are the president of an organization or the best writer on the planet, those things will soon be your reality. But is it that simple?  Faking it as if I am your girlfriend will not get me to be your girlfriend, so use it where it applies.

I believe you can have anything you desire. Manifesting the life you want is real.  We are creators, and the sincere feeling of what we desire is the catalyst that sends the vibration to the universe.  For those who choose to take the faking it making it route, when does the faking it end and the making it begins?  Is faking it synonomous with making it since you are actually manifesting what it is you desire?  It's all a matter of perception and what you believe.

I believe in myself.  I make it a point to check in with myself and not get distracted and pulled away from my intentions.  I visualize myself doing, being and feeling this new existence, all while appreciating the present.  I don't always make the right decisions and  I always look for the lessons in my mistakes.  I don't feel I need to prove myself to anyone,  I know who I am.  I never compare myself to anyone, I know who I am.  Get in the habit of being fine with where ever you are right now.  Give yourself a break.  Even if you are not exactly where you want to be, find comfort in knowing that you will eventually get there and its already done.  Even if you feel like giving up remember this is a journey and the road may turn, twist, and get a little bumpy, but keep going.  The canvas of your life will change many times, measure each step, even an inch is progress.

When you are transitioning to your higher self, making new strides, and accomplishing your goals, obstacles may look hard to get over, people will come and go but stay on your path.   Believing is better than faking it.  Put that fake shit aside and put the work in, believe in yourself, and you should be just fine.  You have been properly equipped with all the tools you need to be a success.   And for those of you are not quite ready to be real with yourself.  Your time of self-realization is near.  You can't run forever, check the mirror and there you are.  Embrace and accept yourself, you deserve that kind of freedom.

The next time you set a goal but don't reach it, or the next time you're hard on yourself because you have failed again, know that you are on the right path that is designed and tailored especially for you and there's no faking that.

Love & Kisses

My podcast:
Instagram: llwaltonauthor
Twitter: @LLWriter


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