Friday, September 9, 2022


We all go through life making decisions that determine our fate.  It becomes something else when we make decisions to determine someone else's fate.  Some people tend think that they have this power over of the lives of other people and none over their own.  They do things to alter other people perception like telling lies or starting rumors that are untrue, not realizing that it was all a set-up for their exposure.  The cesspool of low vibrational beings is growing and growing and soon they will all fall in.  For those who live in a perpetual hell of their own thoughts and actions, for those who fail to do the work, for those who harbor feelings of jealousy, self-hate, and do not have the ability to love themselves, your lessons will be long and hard, and you'll remember the decision that got you there.  

You never have to worry about people who spend time doing ill things in secret and people who have ill intentions because it will all come to an end. So you stay focused on yourself, on your goals and on what you want to do in this world.  The cowards will turn on each other and you will find the mole among you, but it will be too late.  For those of you who have found comfort in your dark dealings, the light is on the way.   You should always know who and what you are dealing with when you decide to go to war.  You should also know who your opponent is, do some research because some of you obviously had no clue.  But I am sure right now at this very moment you just caught a clue, but again it's too late.

Every single day I wake up, I choose my day.  Every day I make the decision that this is the greatest day of my life and whatever happens it will be handled with ease.   I live in that energy and I live with those thoughts because I am the alchemist.  I understand now that I am the creator and anyone spending time with me in their thoughts, then they are adding to my elevation. It does not matter what you do, it's what I do and how I respond to what you do.   Are you ready to receive in full what you've dished out?  I hope it was a whole lot of love. Manage your thoughts and you will learn how to manage people and use their negative energy to create positive results.

Make the decision to no longer accept anyone's bullshit no matter who they are and what part they play in your life.  Especially if they made the decision to go against you, leave them where they left you.  Once you let go of those titles you can see the snakes and they can no longer hide. I have had a few eye-opening experiences.  Experiences that have let me know the extent people will go to interfere with your path.  People can be really dismissive when they want you to believe that you are the nobody.  They would not be doing all of what they do if you were not somebody.  No one bothers people who they think are nobodies.  It's usually the nobodies who are trying to emulate the somebody's.  You are somebody, so keep going, keep living just how you please and leave the rest.

Peace & Love


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