Friday, July 22, 2022

Is Your Perception Reality?

Have you ever been mistaken for something else? Have you ever been mistaken for someone else?  Have you ever been underestimated or taken for granted?  Has anyone ever judged you based on someone else's opinion?  Has anyone ever given you your opinion?  Many years ago in a semi-heated debate, someone said to me that perception is reality and no matter how you perceive yourself there is someone else who will always perceive you differently.  So, the question becomes who's perception is the truth?  (Especially, when you don't know who you are.) Is it what they see or what you see?  Is there any truth in someone else's perception?

I had my first job working in human resources as an HR Assistant.  I was coming from the property management industry, so I was excited about the opportunity.  The HR director who was also my direct report, upon our first meeting, made a few assumptions about me.   Although she hired me for the job, she wasn't sure if I could do the job.  (Side note: Have you ever been hired to do a job and you do the job so well, that now you're a threat?  You guys know how the work playground goes, it can be worst than high school.) Anyway,  Not only did I do my job well, but we also ended up being pseudo friends for a long period of time.  And she even shared the fact that she misjudged me because of what I looked like. I am often misjudged and I never take it personally, because I am also a surprise.  Another person's perception of you is none of your business unless it is aligned with who you are at that period of time.  People often evolve and change into people that we do not know, so be clear about who you are addressing, when you are addressing people behind those closed doors.  I understand that there is no way you can sum someone up accurately without getting to know them personally and even then, there are parts you will never know.

People make assumptions all the time. Sometimes they are right and sometimes they are wrong.  When assessing someone base it on your own facts.  I do not care how much experience you think you may have, there is always someone you can not figure out.  What you think about someone does not automatically become their reality, that is your reality, those are your thoughts.  Just because you think someone is a loser, does not mean that they are.  Just because you think someone is not worthy of the life they lead, not only is it not your business, but you do not know what they have been through to get where they are.   Maybe you think highly of someone, who really is a piece of shit.  I did once.  When your perception gets replaced with another truth, will you accept it? 

 Too many are trying to play God in other people's lives based on perceptions and low vibrational intentions.  Why waste your time?   Spending too much time trying to create storylines that will never exist, is bad for your health when they appear in your life.  It's time to heal that part of you that you haven't accepted.  The part that requires validation at any cost.  The price is already too high, so if you do not make the decision to face your own demons and heal the parts of yourself that have you bound, you will eventually be permanently stuck, paying that price for life. 

Is your perception reality?  Do you have a firm grip on your existence?  Do you know who and what you are?  Or have you tucked your mirror in your back pocket?  Your perception may be limited by your lack of experience or your willingness to be blind to the truth.   Are you open enough to see what's right in front of you?  You are creating your reality every day, just make sure your perception is your reality.


Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Deception-A Short Story

I am not in the business of condoning bad behavior but I must tell you the story of  Miss Sandra Dolls.  She was on the high end of the intelligent meter and a sociopath by nature.  She was clever and unsuspecting to both men and women who were often blinded and intrigued by her irresistible charm.  Anyone who tried to get into her energy would suffer the consequences of internal torture from attacks of their own mental imbalance.  She was not the one to fuck with, but you would not know that unless you tried.

Her husband was her King and so was her boyfriend.  The best lover she ever had was a pool girl from Italy.  She had no shame in her game and was an open book, so when it came to deception, she never took it lightly.  She would go to the end of the world for those she loved and would end the lives of those who came against her especially if it was without cause.   Damon was the love of her life and although he opened her up in ways that she could not return from, he also created a beast that he could not control.    Damon made her understand that being attached to someone is a weakness.  You would often find him saying things like "Love is a fallacy to compromise your heart and your ability to think clearly" or something like "Sex is only important if the people are.", so she always took notes. 

The summer heat was smoldering over her brown skin as she lay in the unrelenting sun by her diamond-shaped pool.  Damon approached her with her favorite drink and a proposition.  He was such a good provider, but a horrible negotiator.   She was curious as to what he had in mind.  Of course, he wanted another lover.  Normally, that would not be a problem, lovers come and go.  But she knew he was asking for a lover that he already had, and that was a violation of their trust and with all violations, an ending must occur.  She listened to his proposition while already knowing the outcome.  She would approve the union with a smile. 

She took a moment to reflect and felt quite despondent.  She could not comprehend why he would forget such a detrimental agreement.  Everyone knew that making the decision to become Ms. Dolls' adversary was always a deadly mistake.    Enemies relied heavily on the need for their perception to be correct while ignoring what is the truth.  Their ignorance leads the way and their arrogance always allows them to fall into her traps.    She took a moment to think about how she could save her husband, (this was husband number five) but that thought was short-lived.  A deceptive heart is unforgivable and his choice had been made.  Deep into the night when Damon was preparing to tell his lover the great news, he opened the door and to his surprise, Sandra's had his lover in a position that he had never seen before. 


Monday, July 11, 2022


Today's positive affirmation from the Make Today Magical Positive Affirmation Card Set is "I create the life I dream of". We are always co-creating with the universe.  God, source, whatever you believe in or do not believe in, you are the creator of your life, and with the right thoughts, intentions and focus your dream life can and will appear once you are aligned with those desires.  For those of you who do not know, focusing on someone else only takes away from you and whatever you attain by focusing on someone else will definitely be temporary.  Put your money where your thoughts are.  Are you not worthy of your own thoughts? Do you not believe in your creative abilities?

Creator.  What is a creator?  According to Oxford's dictionary, a creator is a person or thing that brings something into existence.  A creator can also be referred to as God.  Are you a creator? Do you have the ability to bring things into existence?  Can you turn negative energy into positive energy? Are you an alchemist?  We all have the ability, but I am not sure many of us have the belief in ourselves to use it.  To nurture it. To find it.  Instead, some may want to use someone else's intellectual property, which just makes you a copycat.

When you believe that you are a creator and understand the power that it holds then you are able to use your own unique gifts to your advantage.  Have you given up so much of yourself that you are now being managed like a puppet?  The creation begins in the mind and what you believe.  Your imagination can take you places and make you feel things before they come in to fruition.  How are you using that power?  Up until this point what kind of life have you created for yourself?  Does it look as good on the inside as it does on the outside?  

It can be a struggle to have dreams that no one believes in.  That's when you leave those 'No one's" behind and let them focus on you.   Believe in your creation.  Dream it.  Live it. Smell it and taste it.  No one has to, but you, because you are the creator.   I found my greatest strength and discovery of self, by being alone and creating.  There has been so much of myself that was undiscovered by me because I was trying to fit into a character that was not me.  Having a typical life has never been for me and once I accepted that, things began to move in the direction that I needed to go in.  I want to share with you today that, let the typical play their typical roles, what else can they do?  Do not let someone else's shame be your problem.  Do not absorb someone else thoughts and creations, be your own creator, and manage your own thoughts. Especially, the thoughts about yourself.  You have been given this gift of life, what are you going to do with it?  

Create the life you dream of.  Of course, you would like to have others to love it, but no one has to love it but you.  This timeline is yours to play with.  Be willing to let go and be guided to paradise.  Paradise is here, turn right and it is sitting there on the corner, but if you do not see the signs you just might miss it.    Imagine what a perfect life for you would be like.  No clocking in.  Raising with the sun, and sleeping with the stars.  Create the life you want.  Laying by the ocean, while your feet are deep in the sand. Create the life you want, touring the world sharing, learning, and teaching.  You are not far from whatever you imagine.  Keep that feeling of gratitude and get out there and make it a great day, it is all yours.


Friday, July 8, 2022


They seem to be creating these fictitious power struggles between the two when none of us really exist.   All of a sudden, you have forgotten the power that women possess, maybe you do know, that's why all this confusion has been created.  Some of you would not even have a subject to talk about if you didn't talk about women. Some of you would not have a business if you didn’t talk about women.  You want to benefit from us, but not stand up for us.  You need a woman in your business in order for it to be a success.  Period.

Are we replaceable? Can a woman be replaced by something better or equal to?   I think not.  You’ll look like a fool, trying to put those big feet in those small shoes.  Are you trying to redefine what a woman is to include people who are clearly not women?  I am asking for clarification and understanding because I don't want to assume anything.  Women have fought too long in this world, all over the world for simple rights, now you want me to fight for this too? It would be easy if you didn't have to ask what is a woman.  It's obvious you have a clue.  All of a sudden you are unclear about what I am and when you are unclear you have a tendency to not acknowledge what is true.  I am a woman.  I have given birth to two children and at one point in my life, I was faced with the decision to have an abortion.  Have you ever been faced with those decisions?  Have you ever been faced with the challenge and the risk of choosing to carry a child for nine months or more? One in six women will experience sexual assault in their lifetime, how will you prepare your daughters for what they may experience?

A woman is why you, you, you, and you are here.  And if you were lucky you actually came through the canal and were breastfed with the best milk ever.  That's what a woman can do if that is what a woman chooses.  Has anyone ever told you what to do with your penis? It's almost insulting the extent that people will go to delay the inevitable.   Woman, do not take offense, keep your peace and follow your heart. Your intuition should be in overdrive, always trust it. You should be feeling something right now, you should be feeling a need to change the things that you have the power to change. 

What is a woman they say?
Umm yeah let me count the ways
Do you mean after all this time, a woman has never crossed yo' mind?

That is all that is on their mind, all day, every day, Woman.  What if today we decide, we don't want to carry your children.  We don't want to be your wife.  We don't want to be your equal.  We are not opposites or equals.  I don't need your rights, I have my own.  I don’t need your hair laws.  Do you really have to be told to respect someone’s hair?  You should be insulted that you are not mature enough to govern yourselves properly among people who are different than you.  You are different too and would expect the same.  I don't need your job. I don't need your approval.  I don't need your commitment, because I want to be free.  What if today, I decide to just do me.  

I supported your cause and forgot about mine
Raised five kids and nearly lost my mind
Handled the up and downs and your cheating ways
A woman is what I am, every single day!

I don't overuse my makeup
I don't need the glittery stuff
I work hard and play harder too
So give me my credit when the baby's due

What is a woman they may ask
A whole a lot of attitude and maybe some sass
She will climb the highest mountain, just to take a break
Turn it on in the bedroom and bake you a cake  

She can multiply and then divide just to make a point
Consider it done, on repeat, and then smoke a joint
Fight for this country, run this country all done by noon
The tides are turning, disruption is coming, so make her happy or you will see gloom.

It is time to stand up for what you believe in.  Stand up in any way that you feel is right.  We are all sharing this experience together and although we are all experiencing it through different lenses, we can all feel what is happening right now.  Do not get lost in fighting smoke.  It will dissolve and return as something else.  Take off the shades and see things clearly, before you invest your feelings.  Sun gaze new ways because the messages are on tap. Have you felt this before or is this something new? This wave into the future is all up to you.

Peace & Love


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Wednesday, July 6, 2022

You Need to Heal

This is a very abundant time. Despite all the things that are going on around us.  Despite all the unexpected changes that are taking place, this is a time when your thoughts will determine how far you go.  Your previous actions will determine how abundant this time will be.   It is a time of getting what you deserve.  It does not matter what side of the coin you are on, you definitely will be getting all you deserve.

It's also a time to focus on healing yourself, changing your ways, and making amends.  If you are not able to do that, then you will experience more of the same and it will progressively get worse.  If you are a hurt person,  stop hurting and start healing, because the karma you receive will be a heavy price to pay.  And some of you know damn well you can't take half the shit you dished out.  Focus on yourself.  Focus on ways on how you can improve and the things you need to change in order to flourish and not just exist.  Only you will know how honest you will be with yourself.   Some of you just have fucked up personalities and that's just the way that you are, and you exist in that space, not really knowing anything else.  That is your path and the people who are around you are on that same journey. It is what it is.

 For those people who have been counted out, disrespected, and underestimated, but kept going anyway, you are about to make people eat their words.  Your breakthrough is right now! The people who spoke ill words on your name, laugh at your dreams, they will experience (some may be already experiencing it) a starvation of the soul, one like they have never known. They will experience this for a very long time.  (All you had to do, was do what was right. But your jealousy and envy, became your friend and now that friend has made you the enemy.)  Do not worry about your fans/haters/frenemies, stay committed to your purpose, and play dumb when necessary. (wink, wink)

Control your emotions, control your thoughts.  Do not go so far outside yourself that you lose all control of what you want your world to be.  Remember, this world is still ours.  You have to be sure about yourself, have confidence, and believe in yourself.  This new world requires you to accept and love yourself just as you are.  We don't have to wear masks anymore, so why do you still have yours on?  Heal that inner child, honey, everything is going to be alright.   Once you start to make that shift, a lot has to fall away and when it does, accept it because I guarantee there is something better on the way.  

Peace & Love


Friday, July 1, 2022

Let It Happen

SHAME Love, Lies & Lust by L.L. Walton


  Available on and Kindle Or Click the link to the right to order an autographed copy.                              → →→→→→→→

Today I am reintroducing SHAME Love, Lies & Lust  It is the first book that I wrote with characters.  Each chapter has a section of love stories, lie stores, and lust stories.   It is a short book filled with short stories about the trials, and tribulations of being in love, sacrifice, and the consequences of your decisions.   Thank you all for your love and support.💓

I often reflect on my relationships and the state of mind I was in when I made the decision to allow certain people in my life.  When I reflect it is also a time to acknowledge how much I've grown.  I am thankful for those experiences and how they have helped me grow.  This life is all about the journey.  Wherever you are, wherever you are trying to go, do not underestimate the power of appreciating where you are right now.  Change always comes on time and is constantly happening.  You can try to delay it, you can even ignore it, and it happens whether you are ready for it or not.  Wouldn't it just be easier to accept life as it comes, let go of all control and relax into it?  All you have to do is manage your own thoughts and stay focused on your desired outcome.  Mind the business that feeds you and distractions do not exist. Most of you should know, that writers are excellent liars, give me an audience and I’ll tell you what to feed them. 

I am often disappointed when I believe in the maturity of humanity. You would think that after all this progression, people would be more accepting of people who are opposed to what they are used to, but I always get the same result. However, I am still hopeful that society will get to the point where they do not feel so intimidated by things and people they do not understand.  You cannot pick apart another without picking apart yourself.  I am just a reflection, so you do not have to tell me what you don’t like about yourself, I already see it. 

Do not rush, just let it all happen.  Patience is the key. Time is going as fast or as slow as it is going to go.  You cannot change the happening, just like you cannot change the past.   Too many people let the past control their current state of mind and they are making comparisons to a future that does not exist. What's done is done.  It's either time to ask for forgiveness, or forgive yourself and move on.  There is no growth allowing the past to live in your head like old weeds.  Create the space for new things and for new beginnings to grow.  Be brave and walk alone when necessary.  You can never go wrong with true intentions.  True Intentions. You can never go wrong by moving forward in honesty, your truth  and love. 



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