Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Don't Resist This Change

There are changes coming at full speed ahead, so don't resist the inevitable.   Easier said than done, right?   Tell that to someone who feels as if they have been thrown into the abyss of a hurricane, expecting to come out unscathed.  But that is a part of life, being able to navigate the unexpected and roll with the punches.   Changes mean that you are alive and it is probably time for a growth spurt.

If you are one of the lucky people who is experiencing changes on a high level, it is only because there is something that needs to be brought to your attention.  Your path is being altered in order to achieve your highest good.    In order to achieve this higher way of being,  you must acknowledge the you that you have become, whether you like yourself or not.  Whatever the reason is for these massive changes,  the universe has a way of reminding you that you are not alone in your journey, and although painful sometimes, changes are necessary.

When I was in my own personal change cycle, I remember trying to logically figure it all out.  I even tried to control the outcome, but my ego needed to be silenced in order to see and feel what was taking place.   I could have learned this lesson a long time ago, but I was not open to change. I resisted, and low and behold the lessons reappeared again through a different person. This time it was loud and intrusive and made me pretty damn uncomfortable, but I got the message.

I learned to let go and trust the process.  While in the process I meet several people that were inserted into my life path.  They were placed there to test my boundaries and my faith.  Others were there to remind me of who I am.  We are all either living out our true lives or living out life for other people.  I prefer to live my true life and forget about what anyone may think about it.  I would rather live in my imperfect, unfigured out life than live in misery by someone else's design.

We all come with our own garbage, our own biases, and our own self-deceptions.  What you must do is learn to love who you are, all the time at every stage at every moment, and if someone has an issue with that, then let them sort it out themselves.   Never compromise who you are to please "people".  Be OK with being different, because people who are the same, are invisble.  There are millions of people who are not Ok with who they are.  Afraid of the opinion of someone who probably isn't living their true life either.  There are people in bad marriages and relationships, who have horrible jobs.  They always are spending time with people they hate, and comparing themselves with material gains.  Who has the biggest ego?  Silly kids!  It's a waste of time to try to impress, compare or even care about someone else opinion or what is happening in their lives.  Free yourself.

It's very hard to live in that complete existence when all your life you have been told that you have to conform or be a certain way to be accepted.   A lot of followers have fallen off the same bridge because they went against what they felt to be true. Your body and mind want to be free, but you keep feeding it false beliefs and ideologies that are simply untrue.  You smother yourself, then you lose yourself. Poof!  You're gone!  A walking zombie, being controlled by outside sources.   

Change the way you think about yourself. The waves of change that are taking place now are for you.  It is seeking you out to be your best you.  If people are being removed from your life or if your view has started to change, rejoice! Be happy!  You are being prepared for something great and you cannot take everyone with you.   Imagine, some people will never change. They stay on that perpetual roller coaster going around and around, never getting off and never seeing a reason to.  You are being supported and are placed here in this earthly plane to learn, grow, change, and teach.   And hopefully, in the process, you help someone else make that transition to a better way of existing.   You become a shining example of what could be. 

One of the biggest lessons for me has been deciphering when to give to myself and when to give to others.   Time is something we cannot get back.   The past cannot be changed and the future is yours to design. Crave the acceptance of no one, be your own guide, and love you fearlessly.    Accept the changes that are taking place. I promise you, it is always for your highest good.

Peace Within


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