Friday, February 10, 2023

Art of Peace-3 Ways to Protect It

1.  Don't Expect Much   I used to believe that if you are good to people those same people will be good to you.  That is not always true.  Your good toward people may come back to you, but it may not come from the people that you have been good to. In the bank of good deeds, it is the deed that matters. It becomes imperative to see people through the lens that they show you and not give them any more credit or discredit them for who they are.   All the good I've done and all the love I've shown tends to come back through other people and in different forms.  It may not necessarily be from the people you expect, so keep your options of receiving open.

2. Kill them With Kindness  Never stoop to the level of your adversaries.  Let them believe that they have won, so that they can get comfortable.  Let them recruit the monkeys, spend the money and look foolish in the process.   One of my favorite quotes is, " I play dumb for smart reasons."  When you know the truth, when you know your truth,  there is no need to bring it to liars, because you already know what a liar will do.  There is no need for you to try to make peace when they have started the war.  Never become disrespectful or lose your cool among those who live in a state of pandemonium, unable to control their mental state. Instead, remove your energy, send them some love, and treat them like a long-lost friend that you say you will call, but never do.

3. Have Strong Boundaries I had to learn to not just let anyone have access to me.  People love being in my presence, and sometimes those same people will drain you dry and wonder why you're looking like a prune.  It is very important that along with protecting your peace, you protect your energy. You determine when who, and how much time you spend with someone. Your only obligation is you. If you find yourself giving to the point of exhaustion and there is nothing being returned, then you need to create some boundaries with your time. If you are always making an effort or always the one that can be depended on, but you can't depend on anyone,  then you need to pull yourself all the way back.  Look at it this way; saying no to them is saying yes to you, and saying yes to them is saying no to your peace.  

Peace WithinπŸ’“


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