Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Why are you Single?

Why are you single?
I used to cringe when someone asked me that question.  It used to make me feel like I needed to be in a relationship.  It made me feel like there was something wrong with being single.  Then I started to think, what is wrong with being single?  My conclusion.......absolutely nothing!

Single is the place where I have been able to explore myself as a woman.  It is been where my greatest love was developed.  Single is, if I want to have dinner with you, I will.  And if I want to take a train ride with someone else, I can.  My only obligation is me.  It makes me fully responsible for my happiness. There are people who are in marriages, who have yet to find themselves.  They do not know themselves or the person they married. There are several people in relationships, trying to break that soul tie. A soul tie that was created out of the need to have someone in their bed.  If I wanted to be married,  all I have to do is say yes, but I am not the one to be in a relationship just for the sake of having a man or husband.  Growth and understanding of self, has been a mission that only I can complete.  

I am not a woman in waiting.  I am not waiting on a man to complete me.  I am doing that myself.  I want to be fully evolved to the level of my next love.   I am beyond the level of infatuation.  The stronger I love myself, the stronger our love will be.  I am single because that is how I entered the world.  I am not part of the collective that says that you have to be with someone in order to exist or validated.   I am existing in my own dreams, and once he appears he will join me in this magical realm. Divine timing will make it exist.

I am not religious.  My religion is me. There are restrictions in religion that no human can attain.  My spirit is free and can not be defined by yearly rituals, commandments, and other indoctrinated acts.  My husband is already my husband, wherever he is, he has his own journey and eventually, he will be presented to me.  We will have stories to tell and moments to share because once we get together it will ignite another level of love in us.  A matrimony of love and understanding that will surpass anything either of us has ever experienced.

So the next time someone asks you why are you single? Tell them because you are minding your own business.  Every single person is not looking for a mate.  Being married is not the goal of every single woman.  And if it is, that is your prerogative.  You should never be judged for the season you are in because seasons change.  Enjoy and savor where you are right now. I can not tell you how sweet it is to wake up on a Saturday morning with options.

Love Make Love

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Let It Burn.....

We learn our greatest lessons through pain.
I have been in love and have been hurt by that same person.  I was in love with a  man who could not see me.  We looked nice holding hands and he looked nice by being seen with me.  The sex was blinding, mystical and helped me go further down into the darkness.  He used to always tell me that "People who think highly of you, don't know you."  I did not know at the time, but that was his way of telling me what he thought of me.  He was basically a bum, a science project.  I was listening to his words, but not hearing them.  He was jealous, controlling and I loved him.

When you are in love with someone, you only see what you want to see.  You hope for the best.  You want that person to love you, so you do things to show that you love them.  My intent to show him that he could trust me and that it was ok to love me was fatal mistake number one.   I was a lamb in his wolf's world.  There is nothing worse than loving someone who see's no value in you or themselves.  We not only come with baggage from our previous relationship but what our parents gave us.  He was a broken man, so he lived to discredit me and make me look like a fool for entertaining him in the first place.  I had always dealt with men who were honest, sincere and who knew how to treat a woman.  When I meet him, I was baffled by his view on life and women, he had bad luck with both.  I thought he was an easy fix and a solid distraction.   I believed that eventually, he would be his best, but that never happened.  Mistake number two, falling in love with potential.  

There were things that brought us together, like being raised by one parent, while not really knowing the other.  My father was missing and the two step-fathers that were in my life, only showed me what I did not want.  I saw many things in my life that formed my opinion of men and women who put other people before them in the name of love.  Yet,  I was still willing to be open to love, have love, because I craved it, without really knowing what it was. I had also forgotten one crucial element to any relationship and that is to love myself.  Once I started that journey of self-love.  I started to see this man, for who and what he really was.  We can only be deceived if we refuse to see what we need to.  The signs are always there, the universe always protects and gives us warnings before the final tower moment.  The moment that shakes us to the core, so much so that we are forced to change, forced to consult the higher self to become a better, lover, mother, friend, wife, husband.  If you are around people that experience constant bad luck and drama, its because they are refusing to change.

That man was brought into my life to help me have standards and create boundaries.  I was the kind of woman, who had been in a previous long-term relationship with a man who told me the truth.  He loved me with everything he had and I loved him. His actions confirmed what he was feeling and his promises were never broken.  When he passed, I thought that all men, were men, and sadly that is not the case.  That guy was there to help show me what I needed to change.  Sometimes we have to thank people when shit doesn't work out.  Cry about it for a second or two, then get back up and say thank you, motherfuckah! Adios!

I am not sure of what that X  is doing these days.  It's been many years since I left for the final time.  I completely let go and wished him the best.  The woman that I have become, is the woman that he thought he couldn't have in the first place.  The temporary pain eventually subsides and if you are able to complete the challenge by not revisiting a toxic relationship, the reward is moving to the next level..   There are levels to this shit. Dimensions, yet to be explored.  Do not settle for comfort, what's familiar, or believe you can't do better, because you can. You must take the time to do the necessary work on yourself, or you will repeat the cycle until the lesson is learned; the universe is generous that way.  It will be lessons after lessons, with different faces until you get it.

I always thought I knew everything about love, but it wasn't until I put that love energy into myself that has given me the greatest satisfaction.   It draws the right people in and keeps the wrong people away.  When you lack nothing and become whole with oneself, there is nothing or no one that can make you see yourself differently.  Love yourself so tough, that you could care less what people think.  Their thoughts are not your business.   Love fearlessly, be kind and live in the moment.  Every day is another chance to get it right.

Love and More Love

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Love on the Run.....

You get close, then you pull away.  It feels so good, but you get afraid of it and break away. Only to return, craving for what only I can give you.  It is everything that you've asked for, yet when it comes you are not ready.  You long for a real connection and not the superficial relationships that are based on the value of your car.   You want more and I need more.  So why are you running?

This life always affords us the things that we want.  Although we often lose things and people, it is all wrapped up in a lesson that needs to be learned.  What lessons are you learning?  How many times are you going to block what you want the most?  Don't you know that love is eternal?  It will appear when you least expect it, so expect it and watch it bloom.  We must be open to love and not fear the reoccurrence of what we have already experienced.  In order to get a different result, we must be different ourselves. The beginning and the end is locked within us. Set yourself free. ` Heartbreak often makes us cautious and not trust.  But we must take that risk.  We must take a dive into the unknown and embrace what we truly desire.   Our truth lies on the other side of what we fear.

Surrendering to love is always a risk, but isn't is worth the softness of my lips as we kiss?  Isn't it worth coming to join me in this realm of life, belonging to only you?  Isn't it worth making love until the rim of the sun rises?   Isn't it worth looking into the eyes of fate?  Isn't it worth it to touch my skin at your leisure?  Isn't it worth it to see your dreams come to life?  Familiarity is what you will feel when the completion of what you manifested appears.  You will know, from never knowing.  It will all make sense because now you do.  Let me be the first to say, it feels so good to be loved by you, so stop running.

Love Forever and Ever.

Friday, November 23, 2018

So...What the F*** You Doin'?

There are a few ways to live this life; you can either get involved or stand on the sidelines.   So what the f*** you doin? There are no right or wrong answers because everyone has a part to play.  Everyone cannot be in the same space going through the same things all at the same time. However, we can share experiences that we have had at different periods of time.  We are here to experience. We are here to feel and most of all, to love.  So what the f*** are you doin? We are more connected than disconnected, but our misrepresented differences have become the theme of our lives.  Everything and Nothing matters.

In the midst of it all, what the f*** are you doin? Are you still living in the past? You can't seem to get past how they hurt you?  Are you still living with that man or woman that you stopped loving a long time ago?  What the f*** you doin?  Are you still blaming other people for your situations and your decision making? If so, what the f*** are you doin?  Is it not your life?  If you find yourself wanting a man, but you are so perfect and he has to be perfect, that no one can live up to your standards.  I am in no way asking you to lower your standards, but everyone comes here to make mistakes, everyone has flaws, and those things should be something we should try to embrace and understand before we judge.  Don't you want to be loved for all of you? Flaws and all? 

We are here to share experiences.  If you think you got all this shit figured out, what the f*** are you doing? We all would like to know.   Even with things that seem less than perfect, you'll find perfection. We are all flawed in a beautiful way.  We all deserve the love that will fill our wounds to heal them.  So? What the f*** you doin?  Are you still dishing out the pain that was given to you or are you finally ready to open up in a real and unfiltered way?  Expose that inner beast that is the hardest and the softest of you.  Come to me, otherwise what the f*** you really doin?

Love, Over and Over Again.....

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Life IS.....

Life is like a roller coaster.  Life is crazy.  Life is amazing.  Life is full of shit. Life is whatever you want it to be. On any given day at any given moment, we have the power to change.  Where ever our minds, hearts, and thoughts take us, try and go there. We give into the prevalent energy that brings you to where ever you want to go, good or bad, you are the captain of your shit.

Often people think just because you have a pretty face, you've lived a pretty life.  They've confused things and have forgotten about character, love and knowing what it is to be a genuine person.  When those lines get blurred between the wolves and the sheep, it becomes a dark and lonely place where enemies wear the smiles of a best friend.  My fortress has become my weapon to serve all that is good; tactfully and with honesty.   There is nothing that can penetrate the sweetness of her honey.  You might taste and forget what you had before; then long for it for the rest of your life.  The price of intentions.

The next time you feel that you can not go on, remember that you have made it this far.  You have a purpose, and it is to live in your truth.  Once you are able to accept yourself, the masses will follow.  There is nothing wrong with being admired and misunderstood.  Let them figure out the rest.  You can't be everyone's lead.  Start with yourself.  Everything is possible.

Remember, life can be crazy, life can be amazing, while on your journey, each day is what you make it.  Do not get distracted by things that drain your energy.  Exercise your right to ignore things that do not empower you. Stand in a positive place, say goodbye to who you used to be. While in your season of Persephone, this chapter is requiring a higher degree of yourself. Be like a flame, and let it burn.


Sunday, November 4, 2018

A Love For Many Lifetimes......

I always welcome love with open arms, because the thought of never having it is something I can never imagine, so when I happen to fall in love, it is with intention.  It is not in the frivolous manner that some easily dispose of.  It does not lend itself to the use of a word that holds little or no meaning.  If I ever tell you that I love you, I really do.

You may not hear me tell you that I love you every day or every other day, but you will see it in the way that I look at you.  You will taste it in the meal I prepare for us. You will feel it when we make love and when we take each other to heights unknown and unexplored thoughts and manifestations.  As we travel to many realms of life, just hold my hand because once we go there, we may never be the same people to others or to each other.  It's just deep like that.  I won't play with you unless it's our time to.  If you would like, this love can drip from my fingers while I give you a back massage?  Or would you like it to spill from my lips, as we take in the same breath and then release it back into the atmosphere, only to have it transform into a silly substance that will bond us together forever?  Are you ready for this trip?  You only need one ticket.

As deep as my soul can go, you will be there to explore the depth of this commitment, this loyalty, there are no shallow waters, there is no end or bottom. It has always been for you, it will forever be here for you, that is my promise.  In this lifetime, and in the next, we will do what we have always done, and find each other and be what we need to be to each other.  There is no space or time between us, so don't be afraid when I appear.  You may not be ready, but I will be a familiar place, without any previous knowledge of our being.  There will be many faces to lead me to you, but you will know when the face you see is me.  I will feel comfortable with you because I am.  There is not much to be said, because we already know.  Here we are again, getting to know each other, such a beautiful process.   Just as much as I love you,  I know you love me too.  Many who say they love each other, will never experience what we have in a thousand lifetimes. Even when you feel the need to run and take your love away or I feel that I can do better, I know that we really belong within each other.  I will miss you until we meet again, and this time I won't mind that you leave the toilet seat up.

Love in Advance

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