Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Day I Meet Maya Angelou


The first time I meet Maya Angelou I was 18 years old.  I had just graduated from high school and was working at a grocery store called Andronico's in Berkeley, California.  It was located a few blocks from the UC Berkeley campus, so the store was always filled with interesting and different people.  I worked in the deli department, making strange sandwiches and cutting up meats with strange names. 
It was all new to me. My mom had moved us from Mississippi and even though we were in a different state, my household was still very southern.  I knew of only chicken, pork or ground beef, red hot dogs, greens, chitterlings, dumplings and pigs' feet.  At Andronico's I learned of prosciutto, all kinds of pate, and how to make homemade pizza. I learned of bread with seeds in it and wheat and all kinds of fruity and green drinks that were supposed to make you healthy and live longer.  It was all so intimidating and exciting at the same time.
I had known of Ms. Angelou from her book, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.  I had kept a journal since I was in the 5th grade, so I knew I wanted to be a writer, and reading a book that a black woman had written made me believe it was possible.  Where I came from, there were not many who talked about dreams.  You get a job, get married, have kids, and live some kind of life.  I knew that life was not for me.  I had more to offer, more to see, more to explore and I went out to seek those things. I never mentioned to anyone that I wanted to be a writer or that I wanted to be in movies or that I wanted to see myself on TV or that I wanted my own business.  I mean I had dreams. But those were just dreams and who would I share those with, who would believe what I believed? 
When I saw her she was pushing her basket with a few items. I was trying not to stare, but I was sure I had seen her on Oprah, and here she was in my store shopping.  She was tall and regal.  She had on a long dress that landed just before her feet.  I watched her with her small afro and wished at that moment that I was a checker instead of a deli girl.  Up until that moment I had been an avid Michael Jackson fan and had been on the front row at many New Edition concerts, but nothing had me more mesmerized than having Ms. Maya Angelou in my store.  So I sat there thinking about how could I meet her.  What would I say?  How do I approach her without seeming like a crazed fan? 
I knew she was approachable, speaking to people in the store, not famously, but neighborly, like she was one of us. Not above or below, but significantly equal with a special flare, that only her confidence spoke of.  I watched her until she started to leave the store, then I made my move.
She turned to me and said, " Ms. Angelou", her voice was deep and precise.  I felt so dumb. I had addressed this woman like she was a friend from high school or something, knowing that my southern upbringing had taught me how to address adults with Mr. or Mrs., yes ma'am or no sir, what the hell happened to my brain?
I said, "Ms. Angelou, I like your book and I admire you".  She said, "Thank you, are you in school?". "Yes, I start in the fall at Cal State Hayward".   "What are you going for?", I said, Communications. Then she said a few words that meant the world to me.  Words that I longed to hear from my own mother, words that would validate my existence and make me feel like I could accomplish all that I needed to in this world.  I was no longer afraid to be, and all she said was, "You will be fine, you will do well".
That was many years and roads ago, but it stuck with me.  It was the words I needed to hear.  It came from someone who did not even know me, someone who did not even know what my home life was like, she had no idea about me, but she knew that I would be fine, and I believed her.
Through it all, my life has not been easy, but I have been fine. It may have taken me a while to believe in myself and in my craft, but I am still writing, and I am fine.  I will forever remember that Queen being the catalyst I needed to boost my rocket because I am fine.
I want to share that with all of you.  If you have ever felt like giving up, changing yourself to please others, having people doubt you, talking about you, disowned you, not loving you the way you needed, and at times you even stopped dreaming?  Guess what?  You are ok. You will get there because you know what? You are just fine!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

How to Know When You're dating an Narcissistic A**H***!

I have had my share of dating guys who have had peculiar personalities.  I am the type of woman who likes to meet people and  is very open to the possibility of love and I enjoy dating, however,  there are some men you need to be aware of more than others, one being the narcissistic asshole.

1. He is charming-  He will smother you with compliments and make you feel incredible. He will give you more than enough attention and confess loving you within a week or two. Then he will try to tear you down and remind you of your flaws and faults.  This is done to make you feel that he is superior and you are inferior.

2. It's All About Him- If he has choose you it's because he needs someone to feed into his over rated idea of himself.  He is the best at everything.  I mean everything, even things he has never tried. He likes insecure, needy women who can cater to his needs and completely serve him, because of course in his mind, he is the King of everything and you were put on this earth for him.  The woman who he knows is out of his league is a challenge, but he has convinced himself that she deserves him.  Even though they may have nothing in common, he uses other cunning ways to persuade her, like great sex and compulsive lying.  He may even pretend that he has accomplished all these great things, yet nothing to show for it.   He may even work out a lot, and completely worship his physical accomplishments. He can become very irate and explosive if you do not buy into his superior idea of himself or point out any of his shortcomings.  His esteem is very high, but has no merit to support it.

3.  Blames Other People- He never takes responsibility for anything.  If he doesn't have a job, it's because of someone else. If his family has alienated him, its because THEY have a problem. He has very big plans of things he's going to do, but no follow through because someone else has not allowed him to.  He can sometimes have a problem with strong women because depending on the relationship he's had with his mother, she can either be a problem or condone his behavior.  They may even be roommates and if so, she baby's him and also caters to his needs. (Let me tell you, I have meet some mothers who more than love their sons, if you know what I mean).  He does not have the ability to care for anything.  If he says he loves you, he really doesn't, if he hurts your feelings, doesn't matter, your feelings are not his concern. He will turn every situation around and make it about him.

4. Controlling- He has to always be the one in control and controlling your every move becomes his favorite thing.  When you decide to leave the relationship he may even stalk you or become abusive to keep you under his wing.  He may even try to alienate you from family, making you believe that no one loves you but him.  He hates anyone who is more accomplished then he is or anything that appears to be better than he is.  He talks down about anyone who has more education, money or anything he knows he does not have. He is a flaw seeker, yet never recognizing his own.

If you have meet anyone who displays this type of personality, please exit the relationship as soon as possible.  Even though  Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) affects 75% of men, there are some women who can be affected by this kind of personality disorder.

Remember, love is kind, love is gentle, and makes you feel

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Life Happens......Then You Live Again

It's been two or maybe even three months since I wrote on my blog. Life has pulled me in so many directions, that I felt like my head was spinning, and it's been a great evolution.  I am always changing, growing, and open to learning and soaking up all of life's experiences.  That is a great part of makes me, me.  Change has always been my friend. I may kick, holler and scream when it comes, but ultimately when it wins, I win.

If you ever get to the point where you are not learning new things about yourself, then you should try and seek those things.  I guess if at one point we were monkeys, we have already come along way, but believe me there is more.  This new way of thinking has allowed me to embrace things that are not like me, to accept people as they are.  It has never been my desire to change anyone, but to have more understanding of why they are like they are.  If I don't understand, I just give it a blank stare and keep on moving.  It becomes like a thought you had when you walked into a room, and once in that room you forgot why you were there in the first place.  After a while that thought might reconvene, but if it doesn't, you move on to the next thing, until it comes again.   That's how I feel about things I don't understand, it only becomes important if I can remember.

During this process, there are some fears that I let go.  For instance, I will never apply for another job again. (Unless it is one that is fulfilling, provides a service to community and allows me to give to a cause).  I left a government job that paid more than I've ever made in my life, so I took the leap and abandoned it. I am smart enough to know that wealth is not accumulated by working for someone else.  And I am intelligent enough to know that loving what I do will provide more than wealth, so I will completely invest in myself.  Another change will be, speaking up when people are wrong.  I used to just make mental notes when people act like idiots, addressing it creates the greatest silence or noise, no one wants to be exposed as an idiot, even when they know they have been. 

Another thing I've learned is certain people, not everyone, but certain people like you more if you appear to be doing worse than they are, dumber than they are, or need them for something.  I've been blessed to have never felt those things toward anyone, but I do recognize who they are, and let me tell you, they are fun to watch. Exude confidence, and a love for self and they will disappear.  I call them the one-up people.  They are never comfortable in their skin and always feel they have to do or be one step ahead, when in reality, it's their mind that will forever keep them behind, no matter what they do.

I am working on two writing projects, sort of; writing and creating is like having children, and I have neglected my love right in the 7th month of development. I feel like I should be fined or something. SHAME and PLEASE DONT DATE ME-VOL II. 

I am also creating my video blog, it was suggested that I be seen. Another fear I must address because like most writer's I prefer the background, living through my words, but hey, here's to change.

Stay tuned for more blogging and especially my new video blog.  You will be able to send me your questions, regarding sex, relationships and whatever else fits your fancy at .  It is my intention to provide you my insight and experience on how to improve communications peacefully and honestly in your relationships.

Follow me on twitter at

Peace, Love and Happiness


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