Thursday, October 13, 2011

Why Do We Love Bad Boys......

Bad boys, the name say's it all. We often find ourselves wanting the man that has the edge, the one that is so exciting, thinks he's god gift to women, but don't give a shit about our feelings, yet keep us wanting more. And god forbid if the sex if incredible, that makes it even harder for us to leave. We all want that kind of excitement, the unpredictable nature of a man who is so unstable, we swear we can fix him, even upgrade him perhaps. But remember, he already comes into the relationship knowing who he is and knowing what he wants, so whatever plan you have for him is not even as big as the plan he has for you. Even the smartest of women fall for this kind of man. The allure is irresistible.

NEWS FLASH: Bad boys do not like other bad girls. They like the innocent, they like the strong, but not that strong. They also like a challenge, but in a different way than we do. They may have a bad girl as a side chick, because she might do things that "other" girl won't, either way, you won't be his one and only. And if he say's you are, then good luck with that.

I've had my share of bad boys. I must say the adventure was great, but it was not worth the pain I felt when I decided that this kind of "love" was not for me. As soon as I realized that this man will never change, I then began to make my own assessment of why I choose him in the first place. I knew that he was not marriage material, but he kept me on my toe's, and challenged me mentally. I knew he could never take care of me, but yet I invited him to be a part of my life. I just knew he was not good for me in the long run, but I was just too concerned with the short of it. I knew it! Thats why sometimes it's hard for me to believe that when woman who get involved with a man who is bad for them, are completely oblivious to what she is getting into. She is blind because she wants to be blind. We sometimes ignore the obvious and look for things that we won't ever see. We are intuitive creatures and we know, we just refuse to recognize, and that's where the trouble begins. There are some women who have no clue how to filter their emotions and logical thinking. They put that logical thinking on the side and go completely with our emotions. Relationship after relationship, coughing up the same result. That is backwards, we also have to be logical when inviting men into our hearts, and I am not sure when if ever will a bad boy be worth the investment. We are responsible for who and what we invite in our lives. The I don't know what happened, or how could he do this to me? syndrome is for teenagers.

There are some reformed bad boy's. After years of moving around, never making a commitment and being just overly tired of the drama, he might ultimately settle down with the chick that he has given the most troubles to. The one that stayed around until he actually grew up. That in turn makes her a real bad girl, because she supposedly tamed a bad boy, I guess. Or he might choose a young chick that does not know any better, all she knows is that he breaks her off and whispering "daddy" to him every now and then is enough. Whatever the case and the cause, please understand, there is nothing wrong with dating a bad boy, they are good if you just want to have a good time, with no commitments and get tuned up every now and then. But if you want love, you can find it in any man who is willing to not only complete you, but fulfill your every need, cater to your emotions and support you in every way. And guess what? You won't have to pay his cell phone bill for it to happen.

L, Peace and Love

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