Have you ever noticed how after you have done all this work to get over a relationship, to better yourself, to invest in yourself, then that same slime that broke your heart shows up with flowers and wine? Yes, the past. The past comes back like an unwanted memory. The past comes back to check-in and reminds you of where you have come from and if you want to go for one more ride on the jackass of comfort and reliability.

When you can look back at the past and realize that you have come along way, you get a better understanding of why things happen the way that they did. The tears, the isolation, the starting over have all been worth it. As you look at your new self in the mirror you may also realize how strong you are and how you should really congratulate yourself for making it this far without having to kill, steal or destroy another human being in the process. You may have had to get rid of a few humans because only the ones that are able to stand strong and get through this transformation with you are the ones that help celebrate the new you. All things that no longer serve your highest good must fall away to help facilitate the new.
So when that X calls, don't answer, block and delete. He/she no longers fits into the new you that you have become. Your standards have changed. You did not come this far to entertain any of the nonsense that was so appealing before. When that job is no longer satisfying your need for success or that paycheck does not represent your worth, you have the power to change it. You have the power to create the life you want, all you have to do is make up your mind, believe it and receive it!
Transformation to our highest good is always painful, confusing, lonely, but it is what we need to feel in order to change and move into the next chapter of our life. Imagine being a person that never changes. A person that goes through life on autopilot, never looking pass anything that can be seen with the naked eye. Getting into a systematic way of living is the death of life, it's counterproductive and goes against what you are born to do, or destined to be. Live your life! Create something new, because the new you requires it. The new you requires you to not look back, and to keep pushing forward! Live abundantly as if you already have everything you need, because you do indeed, have everything you need, at every given moment. :)
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