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Friday, December 30, 2016
Cougar Crossing...Dating a Younger Man.
One of my greatest loving experiences was with a man that was 10 years younger than I was. He was very confident, loving, attentive and served me like a Queen. Although there were some fundamental differences that would not allow us to have a fruitful long term relationship, the time that we were together was quite memorable.
Some of the things that I learned from that relationship was that it takes a man to handle a woman, no matter what age they are. There is nothing wrong with showing someone that you love them all the time, however, you must first love yourself, (He was in love with himself and said it often!). Confidence is such a sexy thang! It’s ok to just listen. Sometimes, sharing in silence is a wonderful way to show gratitude. Always go with the flow, you never know who may be that “key” that you need. More importantly, Never be afraid to give in to love, you may be surprised.
Because he loved me so much there was no way that we could be friends after my departure. Although he was great in some areas, in other areas the age difference showed. Every now and then he calls, just to say hello. He does not know how much that makes my day. Although I think of him often, I already know what his expectations will be, so I keep the conversation short and sweet. I am not sure if I loved him as much as I loved what we did. That moment in time will forever be etched in my heart.
I enjoyed the fact that a younger man was once in my space. He always had me thinking and wanting more. Spontaneous and full of surprises. I was always flattered by the attention that he gave me, always expressing his love. That young man did not know much about love, but he was willing to try. I appreciated his gentleness, kindness and was grateful for our time. Where did he learn all this from? I don't know, but I do know that there are a few older men who should take a page from his book.
A moment in time as lovers and friends....
LL Walton
Blog: llwalton.blogspot.com
Instagrams gram: llwaltonauthor
Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/5OqxfkNEbnOgiaeVfbwrmB
Sunday, July 24, 2016
The Power of Our Energy
I have been known to be a sensitive person. I have always been able to feel empathy for others on a high level and feel the energy of people from first contact. It's something that I have at times wanted to turn off, but now it's something that I have learned to embrace and understand. One you tap into who you really are; find the true meaning behind your existence, that's when true living begins.
We all have the gift of intuition. I call it the keen emotion. It is our natural way we connect to the knowledge within. The brain is so advanced that it gives us warnings or answers to things that we perceive. It governs our being without us even noticing. We are all vibrating at certain frequencies, some of us are highly in tuned, others are not. If you have ever had moments of having a "gut" feeling, a thought, an answer that just comes to you, that is your intuition.
When you are a person of positive high vibration it becomes difficult to be around people who are on a low frequency. If you are not bringing their energy to your level, they're low energy can drain you and bring you to their level. Often times, after being in the world, I have to withdraw and go inside to nurture my positive being through mediation and silence. It is always a battle of positive and negative, good and bad, the light and shadow. The energy does not know the act, just the body that is carrying it. Everyday we make the decision of who we will be.
You have to be careful when sharing certain life events, accomplishments and personal things with people who are not truly interested in your success. If they are not truly happy for you their negative energy can affect certain aspects of the outcome. One of the reasons why the internet and social media is so powerful. You can make a comment and either several people can "like" it and and it makes you feel better or several people can dislike it, and it makes you feel horrible, unworthy, insecure. And unfortunately, the TV carries that same vibrational tendency, the news, world events, cartoons, pull on our emotions to create more of what is out there and sub-consciously dictate who we should be.
When you have plans, you have to keep them to yourself, until it comes to fruition and then you can share. You may have people who say they are happy for you, but the energy that comes forth is jealousy. You might be in a relationship with someone who say they are supportive, but the energy that comes forth is resentment and regret. It's in their body language, the language of truth that can not be hidden or changed and that is worth paying attention to. I can go on about the different planes of our existence, but I will save that for another post.
The power of those energies can be incredible. You get enough people with negative emotions, vibing on that negative field and it can create natural catastrophes, sadness, unhappiness, hopelessness and fear. Just as when you have people gathered together in love it can create an abundance of that love in all areas of your life, move mountains, impact change and make life easier, no matter what is going on around you. There are forces that feed off negative energies, it's how it survives. But the real power is within us, through love and unity, not division.
Love & Light
Friday, June 24, 2016
The "Law" of Attraction
I know you must have heard it all by now. The law of attraction, attracting the likeness of yourself. Negative thoughts bring negative and positive thoughts bring positive. Whatever you are thinking, our bodies which carry energy will bring more of what you lack or more of what you desire. If you really want something, you have to already believe that you have it. I am sure you have all heard of those facts. I called them facts because at some point in your life, whatever you have thought will or has come true. Then there's the deja vu' aspect, the reality of something happening, that has happened before. That just means we were able to experience another dimension of life and was able to live it or relive it again. OK, I am getting off the subject, I will save that for another day.
I will just break it down in terms of what this law of attraction thing means in regards to just relationships. When you attract your mate, partner, lover etc. They represent a space in time that you will share forever or until one of you out grows the other and want something else. The "wanting something else" is more natural simply because we are evolving, human beings that carry energy to attract whatever or whoever we are at that point in time. That is why over a period of time, we can sometimes have several lovers, or just one. Or if married take on another relationship with a mistress or the pool boy. Whatever the choice may be, it is a choice that is made based on where we are in life to accommodate our changing needs. We may have someone stable, but we are still looking for that one to appease the part of us that has grown out of the space of marriage or a committed relationship. They want more. The law of attraction says we attract who and what we are. We attract a person with similar interest, education, and so on. Then there is the fact that opposites attract, what part does that play in the law of attraction? It is more natural to attract people who are not exactly like us. And according to the 53% divorce rate, (up 3% since I last checked) we will eventually for whatever reason what something else, an upgrade or someone completely different. The voice of society speaks through our family and friends until one day we will finally get in the space to fully give in to what we truly desire. One day you might want to be a rodeo cowboy that likes to ride bulls naked, who knows? How many times have you heard someone say, I have always wanted to do that? Or you may be this techie during the day, and a blond haired go-go dancer at night. It happens people! We become more of what we want to be as time passes, which means we attract the people that support the "new" us.
Society says, go to college, get married, find a good job and live the american dream. And when you add religion and the ability to not achieve those things, the guilt can be unbearable. Being single is almost taboo, but lately not so much. We singles have been on to something all along. It is not built for everyone, you actually have to love yourself and be open to what life offers; be it love, a fling, or a long term relationship. Most people are not that free. We are not against monogamy, but the pressure to be married is not felt. We are living in a time where the married's are acting single and the single's are being even more single. Embracing the changing reality. We may not want the same person we married 20 years ago, but kids, finances and security become the main factors when deciding to stay with someone. I am not saying that all marriages lead to someone cheating or being unfaithful, or that over time you fall out of love. There are couples who stay with each other for 50 years, their souls become entwined and live as one. Rare, but possible,
The law of attraction is just that, the law of the universe, the spiritual law that says whatever energy you are giving off, is what you will attract more of. So to put it simply, just spread love, be love and give love. Become what you want to attract. Try it, it's addictive.
Love & Light
Friday, May 6, 2016
Living the Dream

What is your dream life?
Is it attached to unlimited income? Or new car? Having the freedom to take a vacation whenever you please? Or is it going to work everyday to a job that you love? Is it waking up everyday to breakfast in bed? Having a incredibly loving husband or wife? Walking along the path of your beach front home or dressing in the finest clothes? What would a dream life be for you?
A dream life for me is waking up everyday to an unexpected life. Exploring the unknown and being grateful for it's surprises. Being open and able to show and receive love on a daily basis. Experiencing the miracles of life. A kiss on the cheek, that leads to a smile. Changing a life. Sharing. Growing. A touch. Acceptance with no bias or judgement. Being one with God. Experiencing fear and conquering it with grace. Loving where there is no love. Being in the present and letting go of the past.
My dream takes place when I am awake. I sleep to feel it come alive. Conscious and clear. I imagine what I want and place my order with the universe, Then wait with expectation. The dream is now, the dream is possible. Don't wait, creation is always available. If you feel you are not living the dream, create it. You have the power and the patience. You must act, but not slay. There is nothing that you cannot have. We are all equal with gifts. We are all living the dream.
Love and Light
Sunday, March 20, 2016
The Dream
At times I feel as if I have been in a dream. A dream that is neither good or bad, or a dream that has come true. Just a dream of repeating scenes and misunderstood gestures of a woman trying to find her way. Complicated.
In this dream I have grown to know myself. Grown and fallen in love with the uniqueness of me. A me that before I did not recognize. A me that was floating in an existence that was familiar to no one, not even me. Now I see her. She has been there all along, lurking to come out and see. To begin a life that must no longer be ignored. It is time the dream becomes a reality.
This dream has kept me up at night trying to show me her. This dream has me being the greatest woman, writing, and bringing to life the things I desire the most. It is done.
No longer will I stand in the shadows of my own existence. I will be the driving force that rises from the other side. I will savour and capture every moment of this new dream. It has me alive and wanting more. I am the creator of all things. This taste of freedom is forever sweet. It has my belly full. My power to create will never elude me again.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Promo for Please Don't Date Me-100 Reasons Why
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As some of you may know all of my social media accounts have been hacked. If you receive text or calls from my phone or email it not have be...
That was the text I received from my brother to tell me our mother had passed. The fact that I received a text instead of a phone call or e...
I am on a social media break, recharging and enjoying the sun!!💫💛💜🌞🌞🌞🌞 You can find my latest on my website at Healing Hands (lavidu...
As some of you may know all of my social media accounts have been hacked. If you receive text or calls from my phone or email it not have be...